Chapter 22

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Restlessness is setting. I stretch out my body on the bench, wiggeling my toes. The purple dress falling into a eggshaped circle around my legs. Then I remember the heartache.

The waltzcompetition will take at least half an hour, which means plenty of time for me all by myself before I can meet Niall again. Though I can't return to the ballroom, running the risk of meeting both Clarisse and Nick, I tell myself it is completely fine to get lost inside my own thoughts for a while.

My travel starts at Nando's almost two months ago. I was a frozen yogurt addict. Unaware of the disgusting signs from my boyfriend and didn't realize Kylie was actually kind of helping me.
Of course I end up thinking about my  journey with Niall. He loves food as much as I do. Especially when it's from Nando's, and Toy story seems to be a big favorite too.

The memories from the movienight gives a warm feeling spreading inside my chest. Like hot chocolate gently stroking around it, or frozen yogurt maybe, if that makes me happier.

Mostly, I remember that time in the studio when I first realized what was going to happen. That he somehow had found his rollercoasterwild ride to me.


My feet has fallen asleep and so have I. I slowly twist them in circles. Like a child childishly playing in the sand, blinking against the bright light from the flourescent above instead of the sun.

Squinting against the clock I notice it has taken much longer time than I'd ever could have imagined.
The hour hand points at ten.
It has gone two hours since Niall left me irishly stumbling out after Clarisse.
The waltzcompetition is definatley over by far.

In a blink of an orb I jump at my feet. Drawing a cold, sharp breath as the high heels make themselves unignorable.
The fear of being late, the dread of knowing that I might have missed it all - the very moment of my life - bites like hungry sharks inside my chest. Without overlooking the fastest way to the second floor I blindly rush outside the changingroom. My hands locks on the skirt, holding it over my knees. The way leads me over the broken schoolyard, polished floors, through corridor after corridor full of lockers.
When I finally reach the stair leading to the second floor my heart throbs painfully inside my chest.

Ascending the steps I stumble on my  hem. The purple velvet ritch-ratching as I fall forward. A part from the lower company of my dress has been ripped loose. I curse quietly while hot, wet tears burn behind my orblids. Never has the way to the second floor felt so long and difficult before. It feels like I'll never get there. Not even with the time of forever by my side.

But against my worrying thoughts everything has an end. Even the long way and so my own life. As I climb the last steps and push myself head first inside the blank corridor the first thing I see makes me want to fall. Bury me alive inside my own grave. I want to scream out in utter pain, ripping the hair from my skull and the fabric from my dress. Feeling my body drown in pain. Sounds like a fair solution for my mistake.
What I see is colouring my red rose black. Withering down until it's gone. Dead.

The corridor is empty.

I stumble with one hand on the wall, the other holding my dress. My panting breaths are so heavy I almost believe they will rip up the corsette, clutching so tight against my chest.
The truth is burning marks deep inside my head.
I can't believe it actually happened.

I was too late...

As the fact etches my bones I tiredly lean against the wall. I can barely breathe. More the less stand. The tears colour my dress in an even darker shade of purple.
I close my orbs and sink to the floor.

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