Chapter 11

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"You owe me tons of money!"

If iphone speakers could shatter from high sounds mine would be their next victim. The shame for being played with like this, pulsing through my veins, is unbearable. I bet Calvin can hear every word from downstairs.

"Tons? Really Rose?"

Kylie sounds as relaxed as ever. Not at all like the call she gave me only an our ago when she made me believe it was an absolute emergency.

"Yes! A big fat amount of money! That's what you owe me!"

"Seriously. I have made you a favor. He wants to cross a line over this. Your big Nando's problem can finally be solved thanks to my wonderful superbrain!"

I sigh. Pulling a straggly hand through my long hair.

"But not like this Kylie. Don't scare me like that ever again. You shouldn't fool around with emergencys."

I can hear how she scatters around some things from wherever she is right now. Reaching for them with her elegant fingers. Some unintelligible voices spreading in the background.

"Okay, I admit that it was pretty mean, but I will pay the gas bill. That part of the plan was true."

"How did you get in contact with him anyway?"

From this far distance, and with a phone making us only hear one another, I can still see her face as she smiles. I bet she feels proud over herself.

"Easy as a cake. When you never answered he called me instead. Basic reasoning Rose."

I mentally facepalm myself for my stupidity. The worst thing is that my best friend is sneaking behind my back to team up with the boy taking it way too far. On the other hand, through Kylie's point of view this can finally be over. All I have to do is utter a couple of words. Words with the power to forgive.

"Kylie, can we talk about this over a burger?"

"Sure. Tomorrow after school?"

"It'll be fine."


She hang up. I lower myself onto my bed, sinking deep down between the fresh sheets smelling like wildflowers. Slowly returning to silently stare at the ceiling above until blackness seem to take over my vision.

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