Chapter 7

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"So what do you do in life?" Louis asks with an easy smile.

"Right now, study in college to be a graphic designer."

"Sounds interesting."

Louis picks up his twelwth carrot from the bowl on top of the table. I was surprised at first when he brought it, asking why we didn't just eat cookies or scones like any other british household. He just smiled and said 'Take a look in the refridgerator'. So I did and to my very surprise all I could find was carrots. On every shelf, carrots everywhere. I asked him why and he answered that because of his big personal obsession that is the only kind of food they eat. A kind of volountary and highly stubborn diet. Especially since the doctors are saying something else.
Stubborn was the word right.

So now that they all live together the other four members are simply forced to do the same.
Louis bites a carrot between his coolgate teeth. A crunching sound coming from his cheeks.

"What do you do for a living?" I curiously ask.

"I work at Nando's."

The answer comes terrifyingly quick. I feel my orbs widen with astonishment, my brows furrow in disapproval.

"No you can't. I have never seen you there. By Mark's and Spencer and all that, and trust me, I visit Nando's a lot."

He just smiles at my comment. Then shrugs.

"There are more Nando's in this city than the one near Mark's and Spencer. Niall works there, I work at the one at Leicester square. Zayn at the one near Tower bridge, Harry at the trainstation and Liam in the outskirts of London. They don't have any spoons there, that's why."

"Wait, so all of you work at Nando's?" I ask, doubting my own words.

"Yup." Louis replies, popping the p.

"How is that even possible?"

"We like the catering business that's all. It's nice serving people and being their host after a fully booked gig."

I nod, slowly taking this information in. I can't question his opinions but I certainly can't resist the thought of how crazy it is that all five of them work at all different Nando's either. Espescially since their music are bringing millions, so much that they wouldn't even have to work.

"Where do you live?" Louis asks popping the p.

I am just about to answer when the door flies open. A very happy Harry rushing inside, smiling widely.

"This is like when we won the X-factor Louis! Meeting new girls all the time! Except this one isn't retired!"

I feel my orbbrows sink into a suspictious position. In the meantime Louis roles his piercing green orbs very high.

"Wait... Did One Direction win the X-factor?"

The smile on Harry's face suddenly disappears. He turns to me. Meeting my orbs. Speaking very slowly, making every word as sharp as a knife. He puts up his indexfinger right in front of my face. Almost touching my nose.

"Yes we did. That was our breakthrough. Have you lived under a rock your whole life?"

My cheeks burn. He tips his curly head a little to the side.

"Do you know who I am?"

Then he moves it a little bit more forward, this time touching my nose,
adding, 'do you?'

The aggressive attitude about the gesture makes me back away. I flip my palms up.

"Who am I to answer. I didn't even know One Direction existed before I met you guys."

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