Chapter 4

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I feel like a total loser when I rush out of the restaurant in pure missfortune for the second time this week. All thanks to an irish waitor not letting me get away for misunderstanding their rules.

The birds outside Nando's quit their searching for lost food to curiosly look at me under their pointy beaks. At any time I would have felt honoured to have them looking my way but not now.
When they relize I am not going to help them find any delicous leftovers they arrogantly return to the crowded London parks. Not greeting me a single look, beginning their own search for hotdog crumbles.

As I pass the forth street, running faster and faster, Kylies pantings echoes behind me. She reaches for my sleeve.

"Rose, stop, please!" she spits out between shaky pantings.

I continue down the well lighted street through the quarters to the opposite side. The completely wrong way to school, but the completely right way to Nick's.
I sprint along West street and turn east. My heart throbbing inside my chest, pulsing all the way to my fingertips. I need fresh air and some place that isn't crowded, and perhaps a rest. Maybe after some time I will desperatly be in need of the care only two loving arms can give. Gently wrapped around my shaking body.

"Stop! Are you freaking nuts?" Kylie shouts from behind pulling me back to reality and with that back a few steps on the sidewalk, her norweigan accent lightly peering through.

I immedeatly turn around. My head's spinning, making me unable to see clear. Like a veil of mist in front of my orbs. Kylie is so close she doesn't even have the time to halt before her nose touches mine.
I narrow my eyes.

"Me? Is it really me who is the one being completeley nuts here?"

"Yes! You don't understand!" she yells, sighing so deep I wonder what happened to her air.

"Don't take his side in this! What's wrong with you Kylie?"

Kylie let go of an even deeper sigh from the bottom of her lungs. Now I am really wondering from where she is getting all of that air when me myself are struggling hard just to breathe a little.

"You're the one doing this completely wrong lamo! Do you even know how you look like right now? I know it's hard for you but do you even reflect over your own behaviour? Do you know who he is? Do you even reconize him? Because I am totally sure you don't and that's the sad part about this. Your uncle is his freaking manager!"

I feel my brows furrow together.

"What now, is he someone I should know about?"

Kylie stares at me. Her orbs so round I actually can see the black line circling their iris's.

"What are you talking about? How do you then explain his picture all over your room?"

"What?" I lash out. "I have certainly no pictures of waiters from Nando's on my walls!"

Now I can tell my orbs look just as hers. She smacks her forehead in a heavy face palm. I stare at her, not knowing at all where this is going.

"Your walls are drowning with One Direction posters and he's part of it! Drowning! That's how covered they are. How can you be so clueless Rose? Nope, I take it back, it's not mentally clumsiness, this is just stupidity."

She popps the p.

"One Direction? Drowning? The only thing that is drowning my walls are N'sync."

Kylie looks like she wants to disappear into the ground beneath her feet and never come back.

"N'sync was ages ago! A completely different era you stupid! Besides, how can you say that you like one band when you clearly doesn't even know how they look?"

I feel my face turn round with an embarrasing kind of empty nothingness. Something is making my head running completely still. After a great amount of thinking, I manage to stutter some words.

"S-o-o... you're saying that I just met one of the members of One Direction who accidently happens to be in my room?"

A blush is growing over Kylie's cheeks, and she is rarely being the blushing type.

"We're finally getting somewhere! Yeah, kinda. You should really think about your manners and perhaps be a little nicer. You just met Niall Horan."

She seems to collect herself from blushing. Her face suddenly hardening after uttering the words. Droping the bomb.

"What?" I her myself echo, just as lost as before.

Kylie roles her orbs.

"Yes, Niall Horan is a member of One Direction and you should know that by now like the rest of the world being all too connected in social media."

My world seems to stop it's spinning for a while. I release the grasp of the nearest streetlamp I didn't even notice I held.

"So if it were a non famous person it would be okay?" I shoot back, taking advantage of her small apperance of vulnerability.

Kylie squeezes her orbs shut. Like I just had said something really stupid. I can follow every move from the battle she is fighting through every single vein under her skin.

"No, that's not what I meant! He is worldfamous, yes, earning tons of money, yes, but yet he is working at Nando's. Isn't that strange?"

I furrow. Does she really believe that a worldfamous irish superstar from Ireland would work at Nando's? Our Nando's.

"Kylie, are you sure?" I begin slowly.

But Kylie just stands there under the glowing headlight from the streetlamps not saying a single word. Her dark hair falling out of her braid after the running. Her under lip shivering a bit. Which is the last thing to prove that she only is telling me one thing.

She isn't lying.

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