Chapter VII

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I must have passed out for a blip in time because the next thing I know, I'm opening my eyes like awakening from a dream. I might have believed it was a dream if it wasn't for the soreness that permeates my body or the web of cracks where the dragon demonstrated his force.

Since the dragon is gone, the townspeople are beginning to creep cautiously back in, their murmurs low and antsy as if they believe it might return.

No one really goes out of their way to help me, largely due in part to the fact that I get to my feet- however unsteady- in an effort to spare my pride. Yeah, it sucked I was flung across the square like a dog tog but it would suck balls if other people knew I got an ass-whopping, even if they don't know my reputation.

Leaning against the wall of a building, I attempt to sort everything out. I don't even notice the stream of people filing in to inspect the damage in the midst of the square, and though the large gathering is uncomfortable to be around I don't slip out. Mingled in the crowd, I can spot Marlowe roaming about aimlessly with Oslen pushing frantically through the mass towards her.

Marlowe, unfortunately, points me out and the duo starts weaving their way to me. Gotta maintain that dignity even though I look a hot mess right now.

"What happened to you?" Oslen asks in shock.

I've learned to take pain like a boss, but this is actually a new level of pain. Still, I grit my teeth and casually reply-


Marlowe blinks, her brown eyes wider than an anime schoolgirl. "You look terrible."

I'll have to tell Nora I found a fun-size version of her.

"I told you not to run after trouble," Oslen says, teetering on the border of scolding.

"Yeah, yeah, welcome to the I-told-you-Joan club."

Wincing as I straighten- every bone in my back cracking as I do so- I let my mind process the situation.

"We should begin heading home now," Oslen suggests.

"No," I choke out. "He has my brother."

They exchange looks then ask in unison, "Who?"

"That dragon guy, the one on the back of it."

"Why would he take your brother?" Marlowe questions.

"I don't know. He didn't make a lot of sense. Oh, and I'm supposed to find this sword my father supposedly had."

Oslen starts up, "I think it's best we tend to your injuries first before you start seeking whatever-"

"No, the most important thing is finding that creep and getting my brother back, that's what needs to be done first."

Marlowe frowns. "But how?"

Already, I start, while trying my best not to limp, to head to the entrance of the square.

"Finding that sword then finding him then- fuck it, I don't know but I'mma hunt him down."

Catching up to me, Oslen places a sturdy hand on my arm, preventing me from going any further.

"Joan, slow down. Who is this man you're talking about? Where is this sword? You must explain in order for-"

"You know what?" I'm done being in denial over this, reality hit me hard. "We should go back to your house because I need answers and your parents have them. Let's go."

He exchanges yet another concerned look with his sister before they follow me out of the village back on the road to their house.

There are too many things to count running through my head as I hobble my way back. Though pain shoots through me with every step, my determination drowns out the uncomfortability. I'm still trying to piece together what happened (and how I could let this happen).

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