Chapter LVIII

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Seeing as I wasn't expecting him home so early, I'm completely thrown for a loop, but we're both on the same page because he looks absolutely bewildered as to what's going on. I mean, it's fair, I would too if I saw my kid acting like they just hit a blunt with some strange guy who could pass as a hippie in my backyard.

"Hey, dad," I smooth my hair back, trying to look civilized and nonchalant. "When'd you get home?"

It appears neither Brent nor mom told him about our "guest" (don't know how that managed to happen, or, rather, not happen) because he's clearly surprised by Dhisnaek's presence.

Ignoring my question, he cuts straight to the chase, narrowing his eyes at Dhisnaek, who is now out of his comfort zone.

"Who are you?"

It makes sense why he's a bit guarded and hostile, but I'm sure Dhisnaek is picking up these vibes and I need to bring back the feel-good vibes.

Quickly get up, I hop off the trampoline and go over to him.

"Someone important," I say, trying to put a more casual mood back in place. "You kinda ruined the surprise by barging in..."

My ruse is so not working on him. He continues to eye down Dhisnaek but addresses me again.

"Where's your mother?"

"Inside. She knows about this, I swear." Why she didn't stop you before this I don't know.

Before he can respond to that, Dhisnaek finally manages to find his voice.

"I'm sorry if I surprised you by my being here," He begins, slowly getting off the trampoline, unease and worry clouding his features. "My name is Dhisnaek."

My dad is not going to lower his defenses until he figures out what's going on- makes me think if I should drop the bombshell or let Dhisnaek- but he's choking right now so I dunno...

"Joan, go get your mother."

"What for? She already knows about this." I don't think I should leave Dhisnaek out to dry.

He gives me that look, the one that tells me I'm being difficult. "Joan."

"Dad, just don't jump to conclu-"

"Go inside, Joan."

Just as things are getting a little dicey, Dhisnaek cuts in.

"If I may. I don't mean to cause any strife or tension, but if you would allow me to impart a story of sorts- a common čakr where I am from. If you still are distrustful of me after that then I will go my way."

Seeing as my dad is very closed off already, I take the bait, genuinely curious to where Dhisnaek is taking this.

"I like stories," I jump, not glancing at my dad.

Flashing me a subtle, grateful smile, Dhisnaek clears his throat.

"There once was a man who lived in a beautiful country, in a beautiful dwelling, with a beautiful wife and many beautiful children. But this man was very unpleasant to the eye. Though he lived a beautiful life, he was a hideous man whose face could frighten any soul. Although he was a heinous monster of a man, he had many friends and lived a wonderful life. How is this so?" It wasn't what I was expecting when he said the word "story", but I still found it interesting- I'm just clenching my ass cheeks that my dad did as well. But, as I should have known, my dad isn't one to play along with philosophical questions or hypotheticals.

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