Chapter Six

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Disclaimer: All characters are not mine. No copyright infringement was intended. Thank you to Stephenie Meyers for creating Edward and Bella for our enjoyment. I just like playing with them, making them my own ... even for just a little while.

Bella's life is tough. Her father feels guilty of not being able to help. Dr. Volturi is a good guy, seeing how much distress this situation is causing Bella. And Alice ... leave me your thoughts about her. We're going to go back to Edward and find out about Emmett.

Chapter Six


I was sitting in the captain's office of the two-seven precinct in downtown Manhattan. I was anxious to get out of there. I wanted to check on Bella and I knew that girl, her sister, I believe, was not going to pass along the message. I also didn't want to deal with the press. They were circling around the precinct like vultures. Word of Emmett's arrest had reached the gossip rags and they wanted to see a fallen royal.

Jacob was covering that issue. My car was waiting in the rear of the building.

"Your highness," said the captain, an older man with a hawk-like nose and a receding hairline. "My name is Captain Aro Volturi," he said. He awkwardly bowed before shaking my hand. "Thank you for coming."

I nodded. "Does my brother need representation, Captain Volturi?" I asked, crossing my legs. His hesitation gave me the answer I needed. I took out my phone, calling Jacob. "I need a lawyer, Jake. Someone discreet." I listened to Jake ramble off some information and I wrinkled my nose. "My brother's lawyer will meet him at arraignment, Captain. What are the charges against my brother?"

"Drunk, disorderly, had drugs on his person, with possibly the intent to sell, solicitation, and resisting arrest," the captain replied. "He was arrested in a nightclub in Chelsea."

"I know that my brother is a fucking moron," I said, leaning forward. "He's not known for his smarts. His looks, yes, but not brains. I hope that this has not irreparably damaged our relationship with the United States."

"His student visa has expired since he's not a student anymore," Captain Volturi muttered. "With the charges against him, he can be deported, never allowed to return to the states, your highness."

"I don't see that as a problem, Captain," I said formerly. "If I had my way, my brother would return to Gevalia and his issues will be handled, appropriately. He's got a problem. I would be a horrible brother if I didn't see that his self-destruction isn't a call for help. Can I see him?"

"Not until after arraignment, your highness."

"Which will be when?" I asked.

"This afternoon, sir," Captain Volturi squeaked out.

"Look, to be honest, is there any way that we can forego the arraignment? I'll pay whatever bail he's issued and I'll get him out of the states. Him being here is the issue, Captain Volturi," I answered. "If I'm not mistaken, as a royal, Emmett has diplomatic immunity. He can't be charged, legally." Captain Volturi's face reddened. "Do I need to contact the police commissioner?"

"No, your highness," Captain Volturi sneered.

"My brother is a fuck up. I get that. Your problem is that he shouldn't be here. I can solve that problem. I'll pay whatever reparations needed and I'll get him out of New York City," I said, leaning forward, glaring at the captain. "And if you think he's going to get off easy, he won't. My brother will be dealing with his problems and he'll have to pay me back."

The captain huffed out a breath, picking up his phone. "Clearwater!" he barked. "Bring up Cullen. I'm releasing him into the custody of his brother." He slammed his phone down, glaring at me. "The District Attorney will contact you regarding his 'bail'."

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