Chapter Eleven

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Disclaimer: All characters are not mine. No copyright infringement was intended. Thank you to Stephenie Meyer for creating Edward and Bella for our enjoyment. I just like playing with them, making them my own ... even for just a little while.

We're going back to Bella and spending some time with her and Angela, plus time for her to get ready for the benefit and the first part of the benefit itself.

Chapter Eleven


"Girl, a limo with champagne and a private session with a buyer at Bergdorf's? Your man is loaded," Angela cackled, drinking her second glass of bubbly. "And this actually champagne. FROM FRANCE! See?" She held up the bottle, her eyes wide behind her chic glasses.

"You're cut off," I deadpanned, taking her glass, finishing it myself and putting the flute into the holder in the rear of the limo. She pouted. "Angela, Masen is doing this for me and I don't want to come off as being white trash. Even though, according to my lovely sister, that's what I am."

"Fucking bitch. You are not!" Angela sneered, crossing her arms angrily. "You are the epitome of grace and goodness. Alice is the trashy one. I bet she lost her virginity in the back of van on prom night, with her skirt hitched up around her waist."

"That was you, Ang," I giggled.

"Oh, yeah," she smirked. "But, I wouldn't put it past her. That girl is a walking-talking STD." Crossing her legs, Angela looked at me expectantly. "Speaking of sex ... did you have any with smexy, foreign man? He's sex on a stick with all that hair ... I could just imagine it between my legs."

"Angela!" I hissed. "Seriously?"

"I saw him leave the bakery a few days ago. I only saw his ass and his hair. Yummy," Angela nodded, holding up a fist. "Don't leave a girl hanging ..." I rolled my eyes, bumping my fist with hers. "Now, back to this dress thing. What color are you looking for? Something bright and bold or classic and refined?"

"I'm thinking classic and refined, with a pinch of sexy," I shrugged. "Not TOO sexy, but enough to leave him wanting more."

"That's my girl," Angela beamed. "So, tell me about your date? Did you get some action?"

"You're like a guy, Angela," I snickered as we pulled up to Bergdorf's. I blinked up and gulped. "I never thought I'd be able to shop here." We got out and were greeted by the manager, leading us to the top floor with the couture gowns. "I came here once with Mom, just before she discovered she was pregnant with Alice. She had a gift certificate from a friend. We talked about what we'd buy, but all we could afford was a new scarf and it wasn't even the whole thing. Mom had to pay for part of it with cash."

"I bet Renee had fun with it, though," Angela said, threading her arm through mine.

"Oh, totally. We got dressed up in our best clothes, acting like we were all posh. But, we weren't. We're from Brooklyn," I snickered. "It was a nice fantasy for the day, but this isn't me."

"Bells, you deserve the fantasy ... more than that, you deserve the happily ever after! I know that you had a great life lined up in Greenwich," Angela said. I looked over at her, unsure as to how she found that out. I hadn't told her about my job or anything prior to my return to New York. "Your dad spilled the beans. He was heartbroken that you had to give up your dream to come back here after getting his diagnosis. He's hopeful that you'll still be able to teach."

"My certificate has lapsed. I'd have to take more classes in order to become a certified teacher, which means more money. Money that I do not have," I said as we stepped off the elevator and onto the shimmering level high-end fashion. "Holy crap. This is ... unreal."

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