Chapter Seven

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Disclaimer: All characters are not mine. No copyright infringement was intended. Thank you to Stephenie Meyers for creating Edward and Bella for our enjoyment. I just like playing with them, making them my own ... even for just a little while.

So, we met Emmett, the bad boy royal. He's not bad, per se, just lost. He doesn't know where he fits in the world. Masen had been groomed to be the king since he came out of the womb. Emmett is just ... he needs guidance. Oh, and Captain Volturi and Dr. Volturi are brothers. We're going to stay with Masen and have some more Bella/Masen time.

Chapter Seven


I called my father and the head of security for the royal family, informing them about Emmett's return home. I also made a dreaded phone call to my mother, who was undoubtedly pleased by my quick 'capture' of my brother but not thrilled at the options I'd given him.

She was over his bullshit and was ready to strip him of his title.

However, since I knew my brother better than her, I knew I had to give him another chance. His stint at Four Circles Rehabilitation Center would hopefully put him in line.

After dropping my brother off at the private airfield, Seth drove me back to my condo where I changed into another pair of jeans and button-down. It was warmer today, not as chilly as yesterday. I swiped a pair of sunglasses and told Seth that I needed to go to Brooklyn.

"Why, sir?" he asked, his brow furrowed.

"I need some coffee," I answered.

"There's a Starbucks around the corner, your highness," he said.

"True, but I don't want Starbucks," I smirked. "Have you heard of The Swan Bakery?"

"Oh, yeah. They've got the best chocolate croissants," Seth smiled. "And their sourdough rolls are to die for! My girlfriend and I use them for our hamburgers. Oh, and their pretzels?"

"Okay, Seth," I laughed. "I want some. Please."

"They're usually closed on Sundays, though," Seth frowned.

"Can we, at least, go and check?" I pleaded. "If not, we'll go somewhere local."

"Sounds good," he nodded. "There's this really good dim sum restaurant that would really good, if the bakery is closed." He grabbed the keys for the limo and bounded out of the condo, like an overgrown puppy.

Sliding into the backseat of the car, I checked my itinerary for the following day, biting back a groan when I saw the sheer number of meetings. However, one meeting caught my attention. There was a charity event at the Guggenheim Museum, some fundraiser for the arts, which I supported whole-heartedly. I was a piano player, almost a concert-level pianist, but I also dabbled with guitar and violin. Apparently, my mother was on the board of directors, needing to finalize the event details, which was happening in two weeks, coinciding with the beginning of October.

I wonder if Bella would be interested in going?

Gah, you're turning into a girl, Masen. She didn't call you yesterday. Why would she ...?

Maybe she didn't know that I stopped by. Hell, who was I kidding? She definitely didn't know. That girl was more likely to ... ugh, she truly was hateful.

"Your highness? We're here," Seth said. "And it looks like it's open." He furrowed his brows. "I'm surprised. Like I said, they're usually closed on Sundays."

"I know that there was a family emergency that caused the bakery to close yesterday. They might be open today because of that," I said. "Um, Seth, I know that Jake said you needed to shadow me, but I'm perfectly capable of going into a bakery. Alone."

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