Chapter Forty-Three

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Disclaimer: All characters are not mine. No copyright infringement was intended. Thank you to Stephenie Meyer for creating Edward and Bella for our enjoyment. I just like playing with them, making them my own ... even for just a little while.

Up next, Esme and Carlisle arrive with the cavalry. There will be some impending drama and confusion.

Chapter Forty-Three


"Hey, cherie, deep breaths," came the velvety, accented voice of Masen. His hands brushed over my face and I whimpered in pain. "Sorry, love." He came into view, fuzzy and out of focus, but I could tell that his evergreen eyes swirling with worry. "You're safe."

"I'm safe," I choked out, hissing as every inch of my body was wracked in pain. "I hurt, too. A lot." I looked at Masen, who had been by my side since I woke up this morning. We'd only spoken briefly before I slipped under, my body exhausted from the accident. However, I was assaulted with nightmares of the accident and that's what woke me up. Masen had gently roused me just before the van flipped over the SUV. As I focused more on him, Masen had dark circles under his eyes and was sporting some pretty substantial stubble. He looked dangerous and so very concerned. "When was the last time you slept, Masen?"

"I slept, a little," he chuckled, pressing the call button on my bed. "I'm trying to stay up until my parents arrive."

"Your parents are coming?" I squeaked, trying to sit up but my body refused to cooperate. I moaned and he gently pushed me back onto the bed, brushing my hair back as tears slipped from my eyes. "Masen, they don't have to. In fact, they ..."

"They're coming and landing at Teterboro as we speak. Seth is picking them up and driving them here," Masen explained, threading our fingers together. A nurse came inside, a warm smile gracing her face. "Maggie, Miss Swan said she's feeling pain. She tried to move around and ..."

"It's been a few hours since your last pain booster," the nurse, Maggie, said. "What's hurting, Miss Swan?"

"Head, wrist, face, torso, leg. Pretty much my entire body," I deadpanned. "What doesn't hurt is the question?"

"I have a standing order of morphine," Maggie answered. "I'll be right back." She ducked out of the room and returned a few moments later with a syringe. I grimaced. I hated needles. "It'll go into your IV, Miss Swan. It will also make you sleepy."

I frowned, remembering the nightmare I'd had that Masen had to wake me from. "I don't want to sleep," I whispered, tears welling in my eyes.

"Bella, you need to rest, my love," Masen chided gently, threading our fingers together. "And the way you can rest is if you're not in pain. Please?" I bit my lip, but nodded. He kissed my forehead as Maggie injected the medication into my IV. I felt some warmth in my arm, spreading through my body. "Better?"

"I'd feel better when I know how Jake is," I asked, leaning my cheek against his shoulder. "Thank you, Maggie."

"I'll check on you in a little bit," Maggie said, ducking out of the room and closing the door.

"I hope that my dad is getting some rest," I whispered. "He looked miserable when he was here."

"Leah, Sue and Harry are settled in a secured hotel. Seth worked with the local police department for extra protection, in light of what happened," Masen explained. "Also, all of the assholes who chased you and Jake are in custody, with the exception of the guys who were injured in the accident. They are in a locked ward here at the hospital with injuries varying from mild concussions to a broken nose."

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