Letter for Santa?

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(Probably gonna hate myself for this.

But I already hate myself.


Enjoy ~)

No one's P.O.V

Tom slowly fluttered his eyes open, he was met with a note taped to his face. He groaned as he sat up slowly, taking off the note in the process.

He read,

Hey morning (or probably.. Good afternoon) Tom!

Matt and I have already left, the medicine and water are placed on the table beside the couch.

Tom stopped reading for a moment to take a look at the said table. The medecine sat close with the water placed on the center of the table. Then his eyes roamed around his living room.

Realizing it was like as if a tornado was partying and trashing his living room last night. It was an absolute mess.

He stood up in shock before falling back down when a headache immediately kissed him. He laid there, groaning in pain and a couple of minutes passed he went back to the note,

In case you have forgotten for a moment like you always do. You were dumped by your cheating bf (don't worry, Matt and I are already going over to his house with bats. We'll take care of him. Just don't call the police.)

So you decided alcohol will be your friend. But of course.. We were right beside you. Trying to control your alcohol intake. Well.. It worked out...

Kinda...... You did a lot of crazy things. Including trashing your own apartment and sending a letter to a.. I don't know? You called him freaking Santa. It isn't even Christmas yet..

And in a few minutes, Santa sent back a letter saying, "your wish will be granted if tears will fall in times of remembering."

It was pretty weird... So we decided to throw the letter away.

(Matt decided he should write his own letter too but I stopped him.)

I knew you loved Christmas ;)

Tom frowned his eyebrows,

"What the fuck?" Tom murmured but decided to continue,



-edd :)

Tom snorted as he smiled once again of the thought how his Ex would look like now. He knew both of his bestfriends were feisty.. Really feisty.

"Power couple indeed.." Tom commented and crumpled the paper before throwing it on the ground.

Tom let out a sigh, "what does he mean.. Santa?.. Why the fuck would I send a letter to him in fucking Fall.. Let alone SEND A LETTER TO HIM." Tom laughed at himself,

"I really must be THAT drunk to do something idiotic like that.." Tom blinked a few times before realizing that he actually caught his boyfriend naked in bed with a woman..

He didn't even realize that he was crying again. His eyes were already puffy as it is, but tears still fell.

"Oh fuck me.." Tom mumbled, wiping his tears with the rim of his blue hoodie which was stained with alcohol. He then let his eyes roam everywhere in his living room again.

"Didn't know that break-up would ruin my living room like this.." Tom muttered in a sarcastic matter.

"Wonder who is this.. Santa I sent a letter to.. The letter probably ended up being thrown away or--"

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