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"Didn't you have breakfast?" Josh asked, looking at the small sandwich in Tyler's hand.

"Oh nah, I overslept", he said.

He didn't. He was too busy trying not to look gay and worrying about yet another day of school and training, but he definitely didn't oversleep.

"Well we gotta get that tummy of yours fed", Josh said. "Wanna skip the first two classes and go get breakfast?" He asked.

"Josh, we can't lose our scholarship because we're skipping classes too much", Tyler said. Josh shrugged. "They don't have to know we're skipping. I'll just say we rescued an animal", Josh said.

"...rescued an animal?" Tyler asked. "Yeah. Remember middle school? When we were cycling to school and saw the wounded bunny so we stopped and called the animal ambulance? We saved a bunny that day. Same story, different school. No one will know", Josh said.

"...you're so smart", Tyler said. Josh let out a laugh. "That's hungry tummy talk. C'mon, we're getting you some breakfast. I know a place", Josh said, taking a different turn than usual.


"Breakfast burritos. Couldn't've come up with a better idea for breakfast myself", Tyler said, taking a bite from his burrito.

"Right? They're insanely good", Josh said, taking a bite from his Nutella and strawberry burrito. "They really are. I wanna come here every morning", Tyler mumbled, swallowing a bite.

"I should take you on breakfast dates more often", Josh joked with a bright smile. Tyler looked down, hiding his blush. He just wished they could go on a real breakfast date. "Yeah uh, y-yeah", he softly said. He quickly took another bite.

He was happy that Josh hadn't noticed it though, 'cause he was already changing the subject.

"How did you get that scratch on your cheek?" Josh wondered. "Uh, my cat hit me in the face", Tyler said. Josh hummed. "I've never seen your cat when I'm at yours", he then said. "Yeah she uh, she's always outside", Tyler said. "And when she isn't, she slaps me in the face", he added. Josh let out a laugh. "Bad kitty", he smiled. "I love cats. They're great. If they don't slap you in the face all the time. But even then", Josh said. Tyler let out a soft laugh. "Yeah", he simply agreed, nodding.

"So what about the big game soon? Excited?" Josh asked.

No. "Yes", Tyler replied. "Very. You?" he asked. "Yeah me too, it's gonna be great. You're gonna be awesome", Josh said. Tyler blushed. "Not So sure about that yet. I'm already nervous as hell", he said. "Oh but I'm sure, though. You're always amazing", Josh said. Tyler looked down, wanting to hide his blush again. "We'll see".


After Tyler's last class, he raced to the dressing room and cheered internally when no one was there yet. As fast as the speed of light, he undressed and put his basketball clothes on. Right when he pulled his shirt down, he could hear the door and voices. Thank god he'd been just in time.

"Tyler! So early again", his teammate Colin said, giving him a bro hug. Tyler smiled. "Y'know I like to be early", he said.

He didn't really bother about that at all, usually. But he just didn't want his teammates to see the skin of his tummy, so he didn't want to change with them at the same time.

Tyler lay down on the bench, throwing the basketball he's found up in the air before catching it again, and continued that. When he glanced next to him, he first saw Jeremy and Colin in their boxers, halfway dressing up, when Josh walked inside. He smiled crookedly at him. "Hey bestie", he said. "Hi J", Tyler replied, smiling softly. "Still dreaming about the breakfast burritos?" Josh asked as he got to his locker that was next to Tyler's. He opened it and started changing.

"Uhm uh yeah, yep definitely", Tyler said, trying not to glance down at Josh in only his boxers. "Me too!" Josh smiled happily at him. Tyler quickly returned it before turning his face the other way. Josh had to stop making him blush. It got harder and harder to hide it.

Josh told him to sit up then and sat down beside his best friend to put on his shoes, and Tyler did the same. When they were all done, they headed to the field.


"We should hang out again more, like old times", Josh said. "We see each other every day", Tyler replied, wondering what his best friend meant.

"Yeah I know that, but that's before and during school and training. It's been a while since we hung out after training, outside of school", Josh said. They tossed their bags in the trunk of Josh's car.

"Well, are you free today?" He asked. "You can stay over for dinner and we can go up to the platform again", Tyler said. Josh smiled. "I'd love that", he said. They got in the car and Tyler dialed his mom to ask if it was okay if Josh'd stay over. She was very excited right away, telling him that Josh could stay over for dinner any day.

"I'm home alone anyways 'til late, so today is perfect honestly", Josh said. Tyler smiled. "Great, lets go", he said.


When they arrived at Tyler's home, they had dinner with Tyler's parents and sister.

"Any plans for the rest of the night?" Kelly asked as she collected the dishes. Josh was collecting the empty drinking glasses.

"We're going up to the platform", Tyler smiled. He was excited. "Yeah, listen to some music, watch the stars", Josh nodded. "That sounds great, sweeties. Have fun, Mandy and I will do the dishes today", she said. "Thanks mom", Tyler smiled and he grabbed his Bluetooth speaker. He then opened the back door and ran out, Josh quickly following him.

"C'mon slowpoke!" Tyler giggled as he ran, looking back at his best friend who was running right behind him. Tyler loved running. Not like the workout running but impulsively running. It made him feel free when he wasn't.

Josh sped up his running, but then Tyler stopped out of nowhere and turned around.

Josh ran right into him, knocking Tyler back down while he fell atop of him and they landed on the ground. Tyler's cheeks turned deep red when Josh was on top of him, but Josh had to laugh.

"Sorry about that", he chuckled, getting off of Tyler. Tyler didn't know where to look or what to do until he saw Josh's hand in front of him. He grabbed it and Josh pulled him back up to his feet, before both letting go. "Yeah t-thanks- I mean- I mean no problem, it's okay but thanks for for helping me", Tyler stuttered.

"C'mon, lets get up to the platform", Josh smiled.


Whooo chapter 2! I'm already very excited for chapter 3. What did you guys think of this? Please let me know! I very much appreciate it! And while you can, please leave a vote while you're at it?m! Thank you so much guys! LOVE YOU!

Word count: 1189

Closet Thoughts (a short Joshler story) 🏳️‍🌈 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now