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"Hey guys, hello? Can I have your attention for a moment? Guys?" Jeremy tried, but the crowd wasn't paying attention.

"Shut up!!" Colin yelled loudly, and immediately everyone was quiet. Jeremy smiled satisfactory at his best friend. "Thanks babe", he said.

"Hey guys! I just wanted to say something real quick before I'll let you all go back to partying", Jeremy spoke to the crowd about an hour or two after Tyler and Josh got to Jeremy's house.

"So you know we're all here because uh, well, we fucking won!" He said and everyone cheered and applauded, including Jeremy, Colin and their own team. "And I can go on and on about how incredibly proud I am of our team, and how I'm gonna miss them, but I'm not gonna put all of you through that 'cause I'm sure all of you quite frankly don't care", He said, causing everyone to laugh. "We already had a quite emotional conversation about all of it after the game when we were in the dressing room in private with our whole team, and our coach. So while I won't go into that, I do wanna say something else", he said.

"There's one guy here who's guided us through those crazy games for years. The one who made sure we won as often as we did, the guy who made us feel better and confident and motivated. Even when he was feeling defeated himself, or he was feeling like we had no chance whatsoever to win a certain game, he didn't show that. He hyped us up, he was positive, and carried all of us on his two hands all on his own. He made us the players, the team that we are. I know he hates me for doing this, but can we please just take one moment to put our hands together for our incredible captain, Mister Tyler Joseph?" He asked, and they all did as Jeremy asked. Jeremy held his hand out for Tyler, who was blushing and laughing and shaking his head no, but Josh encouraged him and he finally stepped up the small platform next to Jeremy. He wrapped one arm around Jeremy's waist as he gave him a side hug, smiling softly as he saw the people cheer for him again.

"We love you, Ty. You're the best captain we've ever had and we could ever wish for. I know our boys who have one of a couple more years of high school to go will miss their incredible captain immensely, and I know that Josh, Colin and I will definitely, a hundred percent vote for Tyler to be the next captain of our next basketball team", he said.

Tyler let out a laugh. "Shut up", he chuckled as he slapped Jeremy's chest playfully. "No it's the truth!" Jeremy said and Colin and Josh agreed. Tyler laughed softly. "We'll see", he smiled.

"So anyways! We absolutely fucking love you, Ty, Captain, we'll never ever fucking forget about you and you're the reason that we are the people we are today. You've been the best influence, the best friend, the most incredible coach. Thank you for everything", he said.

Tyler smiled widely, blushing. He was feeling all emotional again as he wrapped his arms around Jeremy and he pecked his cheek. He then did the same to Colin.

"Oh! And of course give it up for captain's boyfriend!" Jeremy said as he grabbed Josh's hand, pulled him up on the small platform, and turned him around so people could see his shirt. Tyler giggled and he turned around too so the shirts were right next to each other, before Tyler turned to Josh. He rested his hands on Josh's cheeks and he connected their lips together.

Jeremy sighed dreamily. "the perfect boyfriends", he smiled happily as he saw them, resting his head on Colin's shoulder.

Tyler pulled back, wrapping his arm around Josh's neck. "I thought that was you and Colin?" Tyler asked. Jeremy quirked an eyebrow as he lifted his head up.

"Yeah so did I", Josh said, faking a confused look. Tyler hummed and nodded.

"Did I miss something?" Colin asked confusedly. Jeremy let out a laugh. "They said they ship us and I said that I thought we wouldn't be such a bad match", Jeremy said.

Closet Thoughts (a short Joshler story) 🏳️‍🌈 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now