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"Hey", Josh said as he ran his hand through Tyler's hair gently. "Hi", Tyler softly replied as he looked up at Josh, before he closed his eyes, leaning into Josh's touch. When he opened his eyes he lifted up his hand and he sighed as he saw the bandage.

"I'm so sorry", he whispered. "I'm such an idiot. You can't even go anywhere without me being so selfish and ruining everything", he muttered. "Don't say that", Josh replied. "Why not? It's true. You wanted to have a nice sleepover with the team and I ruined it completely, you can't deny that", he said.

Josh got down next to Tyler and he pulled him close against him. "I love you", he said softly as he kissed his lips gently. "I don't understand how or why", Tyler replied. "But I love you too. So much", he said as he closed his eyes and he pressed his forehead against Josh's chest. "I'm sorry, baby. Really", Tyler said. "It's alright baby, it's okay", Josh whispered as he kissed his forehead. "You're okay baby. We'll be okay", he said.

"I hope so", Tyler sighed softly. "I still have to face the guys and I don't know if I can, I don't know", he muttered.

"We can go home", Josh said. "I can take you home and we can cuddle all day", he said. "That sounds so perfect Joshie, and I wouldn't want anything else more than that but I don't want to take this away from you. We were supposed to do fun stuff with the team until at least after dinner, right?" He said. "Yeah but it's okay", Josh told him. Tyler shook his head. "It's not, it's not okay. You should stay here", he said. "No, no I'm not gonna stay here without you. I'm gonna stick with you and follow you wherever you want to go", Josh replied. Tyler sighed softly.

"We'll try to stay longer then, alright?" He said. "Are you sure? We can go home, baby", Josh told him. "No, no I'm sure. We can stay", he said. "Only I don't know what to tell them when they asked what happened to my hand", he muttered. "I'll tell them you burned your hand? Under the hot water", Josh said. "Maybe that will work", he muttered.

"Are you hungry? We should go get some breakfast", Josh said. "Not at all", Tyler sighed softly. "But I'll try to eat something. I don't think I'll be worth much today though", he muttered. "Still feeling uncomfortable and dreadful?" Josh asked softly and Tyler nodded. "At the moment I'm not uncomfortable, but thinking of being around the boys... That does make me feel uncomfortable", he said.

"I'll be with you the whole time sweetie", Josh told him. He kissed his forehead. "Always", he promised.


Tyler was laying on the couch, watching his boys play Monopoly in a circle on the ground in front of the couch he was laying on. They told the team that Tyler still wasn't feeling well but he didn't want to leave yet, so they decided to gather in the living room and play games so Tyler could still be them and watch.

When Jeremy prepared them some breakfast, Tyler only ate some grapes and a cracker with cheese, before he was full. He didn't feel like eating much, neither did he feel like doing anything. He felt like cuddling up to Josh and crying for god knows what reason, but right now he was stuck on this couch with his teammates, and he was doing it for Josh.

"The game is so close", Colin then started and Jeremy hummed. "It's Wednesday today right? Once it's Friday, it's only one more week", he said. "It's so close. It's making me nervous", Colin said. "Me too", Tyler muttered softly, but his teammates didn't hear it.

"What are we doing after the game?" Another team mate asked. "I guess we're going to a party, right? At least if we win, we will. I don't know whose house though", Colin said. "We can come here if we want. I'll ask my sisters and mom to prepare", Jeremy said. He knew Tyler usually felt comfortable in Jeremy's house too, or at least he hoped he did, 'cause he could give Tyler permission to escape to his room whenever he needed to. Tyler was glad Jeremy offered his house as location. He heard Josh agree to the idea immediately.

"We just gotta play our hearts out and prove those guys that we deserve those scholarships", Colin said, back to talking about the actual game. "We just gotta win. We have to. It's the most important game", he continued and the guys nodded.

Tyler sighed softly as he turned on his back and he turned his head to the other side. He felt his eyes burn, they were teary and wet, but he didn't want to cry. He couldn't cry around his team. He couldn't do that.

"With Tyler in our team, we'll definitely win", he then heard one of the guys say.

Great. Even more pressure to not screw up than he already had.


They were supposed to have dinner with the boys and probably watch another movie before going home, but Tyler couldn't do it anymore. He was completely worn out, on edge and uncomfortable, and while he didn't tell Josh that he couldn't handle it anymore or that he wanted to go home, Josh noticed it clearly. He was the one who told Jeremy they had to go because it was too much and Tyler wasn't doing well.

So they said goodbye to the team and left the Hewitt's house. Josh got Tyler in his car along with their sleepover things, and they drove to Tyler's house. Josh already promised Tyler he would stay the night so Tyler didn't have to be alone. They also had to go to basketball practice tomorrow, and Tyler was dreading that idea, but he had to go. He had to play their biggest game right. He couldn't let his team, his school, his family and friends or the people who gave him his scholarship down. He needed to go.

For now, though, he tried not to think about it as his hand rested on Josh's arm as they drove home. And when they got there, Tyler made his way upstairs right away, even before asking if Josh could stay over, so Josh went to Kelly to ask her himself. Once he did so, he went upstairs to Tyler.

"Finally", Tyler sighed softly as he took his clothes off. "Wanna wear my sweater?" Josh asked and Tyler nodded eagerly as he held his hands out for it. Josh got his sweater out of the bag and gave it to Tyler, who put it on immediately. It was big on him, covering his butt and hands. He sighed softly - contently - as he crawled on the bed in Josh's sweater.

Josh changed into comfier clothes as well, before he turned off the overhead light and he turned on the lamp on the nightstand. He got in bed and Tyler cuddled up to Josh right away. His lips kissed Josh's jaw softly, but then Josh turned his head and he caught Tyler's lips in a sweet, loving kiss.

"I missed you", Tyler whispered. "I've been with you the whole time, love", Josh replied. "I know, I just... I missed being with you", he said. "I missed you", he repeated. "I missed you too", Josh said as he hugged his baby tightly. "C'mon, let's cuddle. I need a big, long cuddle sesh with you", he said. Tyler smiled softly as he got down, impatiently tugging at Josh's sweater, letting him know to get down as well so they could cuddle. "Are kisses included in this session?" Tyler asked. "Always, my love", Josh replied. Tyler smiled softly, and he cuddled up to Josh once he was ready.

They cuddled for a while, not speaking much, when tears started to dribble down Tyler's cheeks. He closed his eyes and he sighed softly. He didn't want to cry, and Josh noticed.

"It's alright, my baby. You've been keeping it in for so long. You can let it out now, we're safe, it's just me baby. No one but me is here, you can let it out", Josh assured him softly. It was difficult for Tyler to swallow as he nodded softly. "I love you", he whispered through his silent tears. "I love you forever", Josh replied.


What did you think about this one? I'd love to hear!

Another one up! I really wanna finish this story. I hope you still enjoy this! I love you. Thank you for your comments and votes. It helps me out SO much so please keep them coming? It would mean the world!! I love you and I love ty and josh and I love this story. Hope you're doing well. I love you <3

Word count: 1497

Closet Thoughts (a short Joshler story) 🏳️‍🌈 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now