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"I can't believe I said that out loud. I can't believe I'm officially gay", Tyler said as he and Josh walked down a street. Josh let out a laugh. "I'm so proud of you, Ty", he smiled. Tyler let out a soft giggle. "I'm proud of me too. And I'm proud of you as well Joshie", he smiled. Josh returned it.

"So you're like, the full on gay? The guy gay? Or pan or bi or something?" Tyler asked Josh. "The guy gay", Josh chuckled. "You too, right?" He asked. Tyler nodded. "I can't believe we're talking about this like this together", Tyler sighed.

"Hi there! Are you guys heading to pride?" A guy asked. Who was walking besides Tyler now. Another guy was next to him.

"Yeah, we are", Tyler smiled softly. "I'm guessing so are you?" Tyler asked, smiling at the rainbow attire. The guy giggled. "Hell yeah! So are you boys boyfriends? Or partners?" The guy asked.

"Eh, not really", Tyler laughed a little shyly. "He's my best friend. I actually just came out to him", Tyler said. The guy gasped, and so did the other one. "Really?!" They exclaimed at the same time. Tyler nodded. "Oh my god! Congratulations, hun! I'm so proud and happy for you!!" The guy said, giving Tyler a hug, and so did the other one. "So you're straight? Supporting your bestie?" The other guy asked.

"Well, actually..." Josh trailed. "He just came out to me too", Tyler told them. gasps and excited shrieks were heard again, and now they were huffing and congratulating Josh.

"Adam, they're a 100% meant to be!" The first guy said as he looked at the boy beside him. "They are!" The Adam guy sighed dreamily. Tyler blushed.

"So I'm guessing this is your first pride?" The nameless boy asked. Both Josh and Tyler nodded. "You know, you guys are severely underdressed". Tyler let out a soft laugh. "Yeah. We didn't really prepare for this. He didn't know we were coming here and I didn't know what'd happen once I told him I was gay, so", Tyler shrugged.

"Well we have some accessories left in our car, right Troye?" Adam said. Troye nodded. "Yeah! If you guys want to blend in while being fabulous and believe us when we tell you we're not serial killers, you can pick out some stuff!" Troye said.

"Well I'm not sure about the serial killer part, but we're both basketball players so I'd say we're pretty strong and can defend ourselves", Josh chuckled. "Mhm yes daddy!" Troye said. "C'mon! We'll make you both even more beautiful than you already are!" He said.

Tyler looked at Josh. "Are you sure about this?" He softly asked his friend as they followed Adam and Troye to their car. "We'll be fine, Ty. And now that we're at pride anyways, we might as well go all the way, right?" Josh asked. Tyler smiled. "Right", he said, booking his arm around Josh's. To him it felt as if Josh was protecting him, kinda. He just liked the feeling it gave him.

They got to the car and Troye opened the trunk. there were loads of accessories, and tried out a lot, until they'd completely changed both boys' looks.

Tyler was now wearing a rainbow flag as a cape, a black dad hat with a rainbow on it on the front, a rainbow tattoo choker and a woven rainbow bracelet.

Josh was wearing a rainbow flower crown in his fluffy brown hair, a lot of buttons pinned to his jacket with quotes like "Got pride?", "taste the rainbow", "I'm gay", "I <3 men", the good old "I'm so gay I can't even think straight", "love knows no limits", and some rainbows, hearts, a drawing of boys holding hands, a unicorn, and other gay stuff like that. There were several rainbow bracelets around his wrist and on both boys' cheeks were rainbow flags 'cause Troye and Adam also had rainbow face paint. One flag was on each cheek.

Josh hesitated to wear one particular button, that said "I love" with the silhouette of a rooster underneath it, but it made Tyler giggle and laugh and it made Josh so happy to see Tyler that way, so he chose to wear it.

Closet Thoughts (a short Joshler story) 🏳️‍🌈 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now