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That day, Tyler and Josh just lay on Tyler's bed and did close to nothing. Tyler was sad throughout the whole day, and Josh was there to comfort him, but after the stitches he wasn't gonna feel any better that day.

That week, at basketball practice, Josh and Tyler told everyone that Tyler had sprained his ankle and that he couldn't participate that week. Tyler faked limping around school and every second Josh could spend with Tyler, he did, to look after him and remind him to keep up his act.

It went pretty well, and Tyler sat on the bleachers to watch practice every time that week so he could keep telling his mom that he went to practice. He tossed his own basketball clothes not only in the laundry bin but in the washing machine that week, so she didn't see that they hadn't been used.

On Saturday evening, Josh and Tyler went to Ashley's place again and she removed the stitches. They then watched Ready Player One together with Andrew and Ashley on the couch and Josh drove Tyler back home late that night.

Tyler got out of the car, but he didn't close the door yet. He turned around and leaned forward, so he was able to look at Josh who was behind the wheel.

"Do you... wanna stay over?" He asked. Josh smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah, if that's okay with your family", Josh said. "Of course it is. C'mon", Tyler said, straightening up and closing the car door. Josh turned off the engine and got out of the car. He walked around it and he and Tyler entered the house.

"Mom? Is it okay if Josh stays over?" Tyler asked. "Of course it is, honey", she replied with a smile. "Thanks, Kelly", Josh said with a smile and he and Tyler went upstairs. Josh texted his mom to let her know he'd be staying the night at Tyler's.

Tyler changed into some comfier clothes - well, just a shirt and boxers - and Josh put on a pair of Tyler's sweatpants as he took his shirt off. Tyler lay down on the double sized bed and Josh lay down next to him, both staring up at the ceiling.

"I really appreciate what you and Ashley have done for me, J", Tyler softly spoke. "Last week when you found out what was going on... I never thought you'd help me the way you did. I expected you to walk away but you did the exact opposite", Tyler said.

"I told you I'd stick around forever. Not that easy to get rid of me", he said.

"Yeah", Tyler replied, but his smile faltered. "I really hope that's true", he softly whispered.


On Wednesday morning, Tyler walked into school. Josh was there already 'cause Tyler had overslept and he was two hours late. So when the break started, Tyler walked inside.

His heart was thumping heavily in his chest as he quickly made his way to Josh's locker. Just as he hoped, he was there.

When he reached the locker, Tyler pushed it close, drawing Josh's attention. "Oh hey Ty-" Josh started.

"D'you have any plans for Saturday?" Tyler interrupted him. "Not yet, why?" Josh asked his best friend. "Can I take you somewhere?" Tyler asked again. Josh smiled. "Sure! Where are we going?" He asked.

"Can't tell you yet", Tyler said. "It's kind of a surprise. I'll drive and pick you up", he said. Josh nodded. "Sounds good", he smiled.

"Okay good. Uhm. Okay. Yeah. Bye", Tyler said, turning around.

"Wait!" Josh said. Tyler turned around. "Why are you leaving?" He asked. "I- I just- I'll see you later, alright", Tyler said, turning around again. "Ty-" Josh started.

"Please, Josh", Tyler then said. "I'll see you later okay?" He asked again.

"Okay, yeah, I'll see you later", Josh then nodded. Tyler returned it, then turned around and walked away.

Josh had no idea why Tyler was making plans with him one moment, and then didn't want to spend time with him today the moment after. But it seemed important to Tyler, so he let the boy go.

The rest of the day, he kept wondering why Tyler didn't talk to him or spent time with him. In class he sat down next to Jeremy instead of Josh, and while Josh was okay with it because Tyler indirectly told him that, now it made Tyler nervous.

He carefully looked over his shoulder to see Josh on his own in the back of the classroom.

"Hey", Tyler then softly said. "Yeah?" Jeremy replied.

"Can you ask Josh if he's mad at me?" Tyler asked. "Sure", Jeremy replied. He turned around. "Hey Josh-"

Tyler lightly slapped his arm. "Not like that, you dweeb!" He whisper yelled at Jeremy, who turned back to Tyler. "Over text; I could've asked him myself if I meant directly asking him here", he said.

Jeremy let out a soft laugh. "Oh yeah obviously, sorry", he apologized. Tyler let out a soft laugh. "It's fine", he said. Jeremy grabbed his phone and texted Josh.

"And? What's he saying?" Tyler asked in a whisper. "Nothing yet", Jeremy replied. "Did he read it already? Is he online?" Tyler asked. "No, and no. Hold on, now he is", Jeremy said.

"Oh. Is he typing? Is he-"

"Ty, chill", Jeremy said. Tyler sighed. "Right. Sorry", he replied.

"Ah, here it is. Nope, he's not mad at you", Jeremy said. "Oh. What were his exact words?" Tyler wondered. "Really, Ty? His exact words were 'Nope, I'm not mad at him'. So he's not mad at you. Oh wait, now he's asking why", Jeremy said.

"Just wondering", Tyler replied. Jeremy texted a reply and hit send. "What did you reply?" Tyler asked. "'I don't know, Tyler's just wondering'", he read aloud.

"What?! You're not supposed to tell him it came from me!" Tyler whisper yelled again. "Well wasn't that obvious already?" Jeremy asked, raising his hands in defense.

"...maybe, yeah", Tyler muttered as he thought about it.

"But he's not mad at me", he concluded. "Nope. Now he says 'well, tell him that we're all good and there's no need to worry, 'cause I'm not mad in any way'", Jeremy told him.

Tyler sighed relieved. "Okay, good. That's good", he nodded. "Thanks, J", he said.


Yay! Another chapter. Not that much happening here, but a lot will happen in next chapter (:

What did you think? I'd love to know. So excited to write more! Love you guys so much!

Thank you for all of the votes and comments on the previous chapter! I love to read and see those soooooo much

Word count: 1088

Closet Thoughts (a short Joshler story) 🏳️‍🌈 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now