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We're so close to the end of this fic I'm gonna cryyyyyyyyyyyyyy


The boys were finally actually genuinely having fun playing basketball after Tyler's very encouraging and emotional speech. They were enjoying the moment, they were ignoring the score board, and they were feeling great.

When Josh glanced at their coach, he saw the coach mouth something at him. He looked at the clock, seeing that there were just two minutes left. He then finally looked at the score board.

Oh my god.

They almost beat them.

That's when Josh knew he had to snap his team back to reality, and fast. He looked over to where the basketball was, seeing that it was in possession of his team. "Get it to Tyler!" He then yelled, and he immediately had the attention of his team. He pointed at the board, and they saw they had to act fast, and they could actually win.

They immediately listened to Josh, knowing that he was right - Tyler was the only one who could get those final points. He was the only one who could do this in such a small amount of time, under such pressure during the game.

Josh got the ball and he ran, dodging the other team before he could play it to Jeremy, who played it to Tyler. With mere seconds left, Tyler went for it; as he jumped in the air, it felt as if everything slowed down - as if he jumped in slow motion, brought the basketball up, and threw the ball toward the hoop. He landed on the ground - all eyes were on the basketball that flew through the air toward the hoop, and Tyler held his breath as his heart pounded.

He scored. Right after, the game was over, and every person of their school on the bleachers as well as his whole team jumped in the air, cheering and screaming because they won. Because of Tyler. They won.

Josh ran up to Tyler, who was in shock that he was able to make it. Tyler then felt as if he got almost knocked off his socks when Josh ran into him with his arms around Tyler's waist, and then it started to hit him. "You did it", Josh whispered. "We did it", Tyler replied softly, before he turned around in Josh's arms and he wrapped his arms quickly and tightly around Josh's neck as he buried his face in his neck. "We did it, we did it", he muttered. "Joshie we did it", he said. "Our final game, our most important game, we did it", he said. "I'm so proud of you Ty, I'm so so so proud of you", he told his boy. "I'm so proud of you too Joshie", he told him. Josh tightened his hug a little more. "I wish I could kiss you right now", he whispered. Tyler squeezed Josh gently. "Why don't you?" he replied back with a whisper, before he let go of him. His eyes were sparkling as he smiled softly at Josh - Tyler was absolutely glowing - before he turned around and Jeremy lifted him off the ground and twirled him around as they cheered.

Then, at that moment, it felt as if Josh's time was slowing down this time - he watched Tyler being engulfed by the team, hugs shared as he was lifted off the ground and everyone cheered Tyler's name, and the team's name, and Josh felt as if he was a member of the audience, watching a movie play in front of him but he wanted to be part of it, he wanted to be a character in that movie, he wanted to be a significant piece of the story, he wanted to be there right next to Tyler-

He snapped himself back to reality, hearing the loud cheers much louder again - only then realizing how those sounds faded away when he got caught up - or taken out of his reality for a moment.

Tyler's feet touched the ground again, team members and the coach and other important people from the game were surrounding him, he was getting handshakes and pats on his back and shoulder and he was getting hugs and he was smiling so widely and Josh hadn't seen Tyler this happy in such a long time.

Josh then started to walk up to them. He moved around the people in his way, until the crowd got too crowded, and he pushed past them, eyes trained on Tyler. Tyler had turned to the side, so Josh saw his gorgeous profile with that gorgeous smile, and right when Josh was pushed through the people, Tyler looked to his left, right into Josh's eyes.

Josh grabbed Tyler's neck and he smashed his lips to Tyler's.

Their eyes slipped closed as Tyler's hands went up to rest on Josh's arms, and he noticed how there was a moment of silence - shock, gasps - before they erupted in even louder cheering. Josh and Tyler pulled back, and tears were rolling down Tyler's cheeks as he smiled at Josh. "I love you so god damn much", he told him. "I love you so much, Tyler", Josh replied and Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh's neck as they kissed each other again.



oh god okay I loved this. I know it's not 1k, I'm sorry, but I felt like this was the perfect ending of the chapter and I shouldn't make the ending less good just so I'd reach 1k. I hope you liked it! What did you think?

I might actually go back and write the next chapter right now, so it won't be long before you'll get a new chapter for this. We've almost reached the end! Than you for this ride and sticking with me. I love you all.

Hope to hear from you & what you thought of this chapter. It would mean the world to me if you could leave a vote too. <3

Word count: 993

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