
892 66 5

Josh and Tyler spent some more time with their team mates and eventually they decided to play uno. They didn't have enough cards to hand each team mate seven cards plus have enough cards left for the rest of the game, so they decided to team up in teams of two, which resulted into some weird situations.

Colin was atop of Jeremy's lap, two other team mates were pressed up against each other while they both tried to sit on the same chair together, with arms around each other so they wouldn't fall off, and other similar stuff was going on.

Obviously, Josh and Tyler were a team too, and to be able to both look at the cards properly, Tyler sat on the couch with Josh, in between Josh's legs, while Josh's arms were around Tyler's waist holding the cards. His chin rested atop of Tyler's shoulder.

Tyler would've never been okay with that around their team mates if it wasn't for all of the teams sitting in similar ways to be able to look at the cards without showing other teams anything. While he was still nervous, and his heart was still thumping heavily in his chest, while he looked around in the hope that no one would give him weird looks, he was okay with it.

Probably because everyone was so invested in the game and looking at their cards, whispering to each other about their next move.

They didn't pay attention to Tyler and Josh, or the way they were sitting together, 'cause everyone was doing it.

"You okay, baby?" Josh softly whispered in Tyler's ear. Tyler nodded, too nervous to turn around and whisper a reply back to Josh. Josh smiled softly as he knew that Tyler was okay. When no one was looking, he pressed a soft, silent kiss on Tyler's neck.

He could see Tyler's cheeks heat up and turn red, and goosebumps appeared on his skin. Tyler's hand moved to Josh's leg, and he pinched him.

"Ouch", Josh said, lightly jerking his leg away. A few team mates looked up as a reaction to the noise, but then quickly went back to the game.

"Don't draw attention, love", Josh whispered. Tyler turned his head around. "Stop doing that", he whispered very quietly, almost even inaudible to Josh.

"Why? They won't see it", Josh softly whispered back, pressing another soft kiss on the back of Tyler's neck.

Tyler's goosebumps reappeared right away and he looked down, trying to hide his tinted cheeks.

"I hate you", he whispered.

"What?" Someone else asked. Tyler quickly looked up.

"N-nothing, Uh- I-I said... I said 'I'd wait though'", Tyler quickly made up. A hum was heard and the attention was already gone.

"You're gonna pay for this", Tyler whispered, and Josh just shrugged softly with a gentle smile. "Okay", he replied. He tightened his arms around Tyler's waist just a second to hug him, before going back to the way they were sitting first.

"Your turn, Ty, Josh", Jeremy said.

"Hm..." Josh hummed, seeing that the color was blue. They didn't have much options, but since the team next to them was down to only one card, Tyler pointed at a 'switch direction' card. Josh hummed and Tyler got it out from between the other cards. He put it down on the pile. "Oh dammit", one of the guys next to them said. Tyler let out a giggle.

"Shit I'm sorry man, we have no other option", Jeremy said as Colin tossed that same card on the pile, but in the color green now.

Tyler looked over his shoulder with a sly smile. "That's okay", he said, grabbing the card that would block the next person from playing. They groaned again, and Tyler and Colin, Josh and Jeremy gave each other high fives. Once no one looked at them anymore, Josh pressed another soft kiss on Tyler's neck. This time the goosebumps reappeared again, but Tyler didn't complain. 


"See you tomorrow, guys", Tyler said and Josh waved at their friends. "Byeeee! Have a good night!" Some of them said before Tyler and Josh went upstairs and went into Jeremy's room. Tyler turned on the lights and was pleasantly surprised with how big the room and the double bed were.

"You haven't been up here yet?" Josh asked. Tyler shook his head no. "We always stayed downstairs", he replied as Josh put their backpacks down.

"Well, let me tell you that this bed is insanely soft and basically incredible", Josh said, jumping on the bed. He fell back, head on the pillows with his back on the bed. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes.

Tyler stripped down from his clothes until he was only wearing boxers. He looked at Josh, who had a soft content smile on his face while his eyes were still closed.

Tyler got on the bed and crawled on Josh's lap so he was straddling him, one leg on each side.

Josh opened his eyes at the moment that Tyler wrapped his arms tightly around Josh's waist. He buried his head in the crook of Tyler's neck so that he couldn't see anything anymore.

"Love me", he muttered softly against Josh's skin, making it sound a bit muffled. "I do love you", josh replied as he wrapped his arms around Tyler's bars torso. "Really love me", Tyler then softly said.

"I'm in love with you, baby",Josh said. "I love you to the moon and back multiplied by infinity", he continued.

Tyler sighed. "I don't deserve you, but I can't afford to lose you I don't wanna lose you please stay with me", Tyler stuttered.

"Always, my love", Josh assured. "I'm always gonna be here for you. For the rest of our lives", Josh assured him.

Tyler tightened his hug around Josh. "I'm sorry  for ruining your day", Tyler then softly said after a few minutes.

"Ruining my day? You're the one that made my day so great, my love", Josh said. Tyler shook his head no. "I'm worthless really", he softly said.

"Don't say that, my baby", Josh told him sternly. "You are so valuable to me. You're so incredible. You're worth so much. And we were a really great team too; we won uno three times",  Josh said. That last sentence caused Tyler to smile just a bit.

"Sorry for being such a crybaby all the time", Tyler then said, lifting his head up to look at Josh. "I know I said you were gonna pay for kissing my neck with them right next to us and it'd be something like not getting hugs but that's really not gonna happen here", Tyler sighed as he tightened his hug. "I love you. You're an incredible lover", Tyler softly said. "I love you, Ty", Josh replied.

"Why aren't you kissing me yet?" Tyler asked softly. Josh smiled lightly, connecting their lips.


Yay! New chapter. It's literally 6 AM and I haven't slept ANYTHING yet but I had to write and finish this first! So I hope you enjoyed it.

What did you think?

Word count: 1185

Closet Thoughts (a short Joshler story) 🏳️‍🌈 ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя