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⚠️Make sure to read chapter 26 first⚠️
That chapter was uploaded half a day before this one. Make sure not to forget to read that first!

When they broke the kiss, Jeremy jumped on Tyler's back and Tyler stumbled as he caught Jeremy, remaining on his feet because Josh steadied him. "You guys kissed!!!" Jeremy squealed as he hugged Tyler while he was still on his back, then reached over to hug Josh before he jumped down. "I can't believe we did that either", Tyler giggled, but he didn't regret it. Strangely enough, he didn't regret it one bit.

Colin rushed toward them and he kissed Josh's cheek, then Tyler's, then Jeremy's. "I love you guys so much! I had no idea! I love you so much!" He said as he jumped up and down and Tyler laughed as Josh wrapped his arm around his boy's neck. "I uh... I haven't been very comfortable with it so far. Not at all actually", he said to Colin. "But... Right now, it just felt... It felt right", he smiled softly as he looked to his side at Josh and he pecked his jaw. "It feels right", he smiled.

"I'm so happy it does, I've been hoping you'd get comfortable with it", Jeremy said. "You knew?!" Colin gasped. "I wasn't supposed to! I accidentally found out", he said to Colin, who 'ohhhh'd, hummed and nodded.

"Damn, I still can't believe we won", Tyler sighed softly. "And we had so much fun, Ty", Jeremy smiled. "We'll always listen to our captain", Colin grinned, and Josh hummed with a nod, agreeing with their friends.

Someone then tapped Tyler's shoulder, and when he turned around, he saw the man that offered them their scholar ship for college next year in front of him.

"Congratulations, all four of you", he said to Tyler, Josh, Jeremy and Colin. "That was an incredible game. I'm definitely looking forward to having you all represent our college starting next school year", he said. "Thank you so much, sir", Tyler smiled widely, and the others thanked him too. Jeremy and Colin were then interrupted by someone else, so they turned around to talk to them, while Josh and Tyler were still in front of the man.

"And I really admire you two's confidence, too", he said. "It's a great quality."

Tyler blushed. "My uh... My... Boy...friend?" He trailed softly as he looked up at Josh questioningly. Josh smiled. "Yeah, boyfriend", he confirmed, and the smile on Tyler's lips just widened even more.

"My boyfriend and I are very excited for the start of college, sir", he smiled. "We'll do anything we can to make you and everyone else proud", he said. "But also, definitely just have fun", Josh said, referencing Tyler's speech, and Tyler smiled happily. "Have fun and pursue our passion, since that's what we're born for", he said and Tyler hummed with a nod.

"Uhm, sir?" Tyler then asked. "Could I... Can I talk to you in private for a minute?" He asked. "Of course, Tyler", he said. "I'll go hug momma", Josh said with a wink. He kissed Tyler's lips briefly before he went to his family.

Tyler stepped aside with the man, distancing themselves from the big crowd more so they could talk in private. "What did you want to talk about, Tyler?" The man asked. "Uhm... You uh, you... You told us you admired our confidence", Tyler said, and the man nodded. Tyler bit his lip as he looked down.

"To be really honest with you, sir, I haven't been confident, like, at all", he said softly. "Uhm especially since- since I stopped denying my sexuality", he said. "I... Except for Josh, and my mom a few days ago as well as one friend who found out when he wasn't supposed to... I didn't tell anyone about it 'cause it pretty much terrified me", he admitted. "I... I was scared I wouldn't be able to pursue my passion, to pursue basketball as a gay man, in college, I was really, really scared that I would lose my scholarship and not be able to go to college or getting thrown out of next year's team before I even met them, and I'm still kind of scared what others will say about the gay kid who's part of the basketball team", he said softly.

"But when we won... I just- it felt right, it felt right to share my happiness with my boyfriend and I can't do that while hiding, right?" He muttered. "I... I guess that... Since I've been struggling with accepting it and loving myself for it, since I haven't been very happy lately... That this happiness that I'm feeling right now, winning our most important game... It's the happiest I've been in a long time", he said. "And I realized that I want to be happy again, way more often than I am right now, and I can't be happy if I'm not living my life the way I want to, 'cause then I'm just living someone else's life", he said.

"I couldn't agree more with that last sentence, Tyler", he said as he rested his hand on Tyler's shoulder. "There's no need to worry about who you love. You won't lose your scholarship or your spot in the team, and neither will Josh. Just be yourself, Tyler, that's the most important thing to us. Everyone can be who they want to be or who they are, I promise you that. And if you get that feeling back, that feeling of struggling, or not being confident, or scared; there's always people at school available that you can talk to in complete privacy, that will help you. If you need to talk, if you feel down, reach out", the man said.

"Sorry that I'm crying again", Tyler said softly as he wiped the few single tears away. "That just really meant so much to me. Just hearing those words, that meant the world", he said as he nodded softly. "Thank you", he whispered. The man patted Tyler's back. "You're welcome, Tyler. We can't wait to welcome you, your boyfriend and your friends to our school", he said with a smile, before he said goodbye and walked away.

Tyler went back to Josh, who was still talking to his family. He ran up to him from behind, wrapped his arms around Josh's waist and he closed his eyes as he hugged him tightly as he stood behind his best friend. "Hi", he softly said, before he opened his eyes and he pressed a peck on the side of Josh's neck.

"Hey baby", Josh smile as he looked over his shoulder at Tyler, and then he wrapped his arm around Tyler's neck as Tyler let go of Josh with one arm, but left his other arm around Josh's waist.

"Hi Laura, Bill, Ashley", Tyler then smiled. "Sweetie I am so proud of you and I am so happy for you and Joshua", Laura said as she pressed a kiss on Tyler's forehead before she gave him a hug. "Our boys are really starting to grow up now, and they're still growing up together like they always did since they were so young", she said, getting emotional about the idea of them spending literally their entire lives together, and only then Tyler noticed his own parents and sister, causing him to blush and smile.He let go of Josh to hug his family, they told him all how proud they were and how much they loved him. "We're official now, momma", he softly told her,and after the hugs Tyler was glued to Josh's side again.

He wasn't planning on letting go any time soon.


Another one done! I hope you guys liked this one <3 We're even closer to the end now. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'd love to hear what you think of this one. Thank you for your support <333

Word count: 1329

Closet Thoughts (a short Joshler story) 🏳️‍🌈 ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن