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"You two are very cute together", Kelly said as she was preparing brunch for Tyler and Josh, who were sitting at the breakfast table close to each other, holding each other, sharing kisses once in a while.

Tyler blushed and he buried his face in Josh's neck, causing josh to laugh gently. "Feels weird, huh?" He softly asked Tyler. "To just be together like this but not just with the two of us", he said and Tyler nodded. "Until Maddy and dad get home, though", he said. "That's fine, there's progress", Josh said. "Terribly slow progress", Tyler mumbled. "But progress regardless", Josh said. "What if this is the furthest we'll ever get? Then still nothing changed", Tyler sighed softly. "Don't say that. We don't know that right now", Josh said.

Tyler let out a soft sigh. "So... since Jeremy knows about you, he knows about me too, huh?" Tyler asked. "Uh... yeah", Josh softly said. "I-I I- I didn't mean to, I tried to tell him that wasn't the case but- but he walked in on us and- I'm- I'm sorry", Josh said softly.

"It's okay. I'm not happy that he knows but I know you wouldn't tell him if there hadn't been a reason to", he said. Josh nodded. "I would've never", he said. Tyler kissed Josh's shoulder. "I know", he said.

"So basically you're telling me we can't fall asleep together anymore 'cause then people will find out I'm gay?" Tyler asked. "Nooo please no, I don't wanna fall asleep without you", Josh pouted. Tyler smiled softly. "Don't worry, I'm joking", he said.

"Come to think of it, we actually have kissed in public before", Tyler said softly. "Oh?" Josh asked. "At pride, when you told me you liked me?" Tyler said. "Oh right, obviously! I'll never forget that", Josh said with a soft smile, and Tyler smiled softly too.

"Pride?" Kelly asked as she turned around and gave Tyler and Josh a plate of food. "Oh, uh, yeah", Josh blushed. "Tyler never took me to the aquarium, he took me to pride", he said as Kelly turned around to prepare a cup of coffee.

"Oh that's where the rainbow attire under Tyler's bed is from", she hummed. "Mom!" Tyler gasped. "You're not supposed to look through my stuff!" "Oh honey, I was just vacuuming upstairs and the bag got caught. Wanted to rescue the bag and saw it had rainbow things in it", she said. "So you've known the whole time?" He asked. "Ty, honey, I've known for many years. It just confirmed what I was thinking already", she said. Tyler looked at her with his mouth open. "Even I haven't known for years", he muttered.

"Mommas just know, for some reason", Josh said to Tyler to make him feel better. "I bet my momma knows too, so once I tell her it won't be a surprise I'm sure", he said. "Josh is right, sweetie", Kelly said.

"Wait- D'you mean momma knows indeed?" Josh asked her. She hummed. "Mom! Don't tell me you and Laura talked about us being gay!" Tyler gasped. "Okay, I won't tell you", she said. "Mom!!" Tyler huffed.

"Oh sweetie, we were just talking about how to approach this and we decided together that it was best to give you time and space so you could come to us whenever you were ready", she said. "Yet you walked in on us this morning", Tyler muttered. "I didn't have a choice, sweetie. You have to go to practice", she said.

"She's right, Ty", Josh said. "Ah yeah I see how it is, you and momma are siding together now", Tyler huffed as he crossed his arms. Josh let out a soft laugh and he kissed Tyler's cheek a few times. "Hey, there's no negative sides to Kelly knowing about us. Only positive ones", Josh started. "She loves and accepts us with her whole heart regardless of who we love, which is each other, and it just means that we don't have to quickly separate when we hear a knock on the door 'cause we're scared she sees us. Your sister and dad never come into your room anyways so it's only positive things", Josh said.

"...I guess that's true", Tyler said. "But I- I don't wanna tell anyone else", he said. "We don't need to tell anyone else. Don't worry", Josh said as he kissed Tyler's lips.


Tyler and Josh hurried to the dressing room and they plopped their bags down. They were already wearing their basketball gear, except for their shoes, so they quickly put those on before they headed to the field quickly.

They were too late, and the team was already practicing, when they walked in. "We're so sorry, coach", Josh started as their coach approached them with a suspicious look on his face, wanting to know why they were late. "Tyler has been having a terrible headache since two days ago when we were at the team sleepover and it was really bad last night so we fell asleep really late and overslept", Josh said, telling their coach the story they'd come up with in the car. Tyler nodded. "I took two ibuprofens and it's a bit better now but it still hurts a little", he said.

"You gotta go to the doctor if you're still having this headache tomorrow, alright Tyler? The game is next week. We can't have our best player and team captain in pain that day", he said. Tyler nodded. "I will, I promise", he said.

"Now c'mon boys, get in there. Don't be late for the other practices! Especially you, Joseph! You're the captain. You're supposed to set the right example", he said.

"The team knows about his headache, they'll understand", Josh said, a mild attempt to stand up for his baby. "Oh I'm sure they will, and I'm not angry at you two this time around either. Just don't let it happen again", he said. "Yes sir", Tyler nodded, before they turned around and jogged to the team.

"Why again did I ever agree to becoming captain?" Tyler muttered. "You're the best one we got, cap", Josh said. Tyler rolled his eyes. "I'm in the worst mental state a captain can be in", he hummed. "Hey, you'll do great. I'll help you relax before the game", Josh smirked, and Tyler rolled his eyes again. "Shut up, you idiot. You're coming home with me after practice huh?" He asked. "Aye aye, captain", Josh grinned before he ran up to Colin, leaving Tyler behind so he could talk to the team.

Josh had not only left him alone, but also blushing. This was gonna be the hardest speech he'd done so far.


I'm on fireeee! Another chapter up! Thoughts? I really liked writing this chapter, especially the small teasing in between. The story is unfortunately coming to an end soon but it makes me happy to finally finish this too! Long overdue.

Please don't forget to leave a vote while you can! It would mean the world and help me out so so so much. I love you!

Word count: 1186


Closet Thoughts (a short Joshler story) 🏳️‍🌈 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now