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Tyler and Josh arrived at Jeremy's house, feeling energetic and happy at the same time as they walked toward the party. When they got inside, Jeremy ran up to them.

"Stop right there! Come with me! Colin c'mon!" He said as he grabbed Tyler's hand and he dragged him upstairs, automatically dragging Josh along because Tyler wasn't letting go of his boyfriend's hand.

Jeremy unlocked his bedroom door and dragged his friends inside. He turned to Colin. "Where are they?" He asked. "Where are what? Oooooh oh wait I forgot hold on", Colin said as he walked back to the door. "Oh you dummy, what else d'you think I'm taking them upstairs for?" Jeremy asked. "Well I didn't know 'cause you didn't specify!" Colin said and Jeremy rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Go get them!" He said. "Alright I'm on my way!" Colin said as he left the room.

"Sometimes he's a bit of a dumbass but I still love him regardless", Jeremy said, causing the boys to laugh. "I ship it", Tyler said and josh hummed as he nodded. "I mean, Colin and I wouldn't be a terrible match", Jeremy laughed and Tyler and Josh agreed as they chuckled.

"Why are we here?" Tyler asked. "I'll tell you when Colin is back. Or rather, I'll show you", he said. "It seemed like an absolutely incredible perfect idea that I thought you'd both love but now that I'm looking at you two I'm just hoping I'm right 'cause I'm actually not sure but I also do not at all want to pressure either of you into anything if you're not comfortable with it", Jeremy said.

"You definitely know how to make me curious", Tyler said and Josh agreed. "Now I absolutely wanna know", he said and Tyler hummed. "Well we gotta wait for Colin to come back 'cause I can't really tell you about it before you've seen it", he said. "This is making me nervous", Tyler said. "No no it's nothing to be nervous about! You just say yes or no, you don't have to", he said. Tyler nodded. "Alright", he said. Soon after that, Colin returned and handed them to Jeremy.

"Okay so! You know how coach always got Colin and me to print the shirts at school for our last game of the year right? Colin and I did the same this year, and you're wearing the shirts just as we are. Buuuuut when you guys just decided to come out in front of the whole entire world and it was the best moment in our high school's entire history, this idea popped in my head. We had spare shirts so while you guys were still talking to your families and all those other people, before we gathered in the dressing rooms, we sneaked away and went to the basement of our high school and printed two new shirts for you", he said. "Yeah we quickly slapped a new design together as fast as we could and it's corny and cheesy and you might hate it but we thought it would be really cute", Colin nodded.

"So... Here you go", Jeremy said as he handed them the shirts. "You don't have to wear them, we just thought you might like it. But if not, that's totally fine", Jeremy said and Colin nodded.

Tyler curiously held the shirt up, and he let out a laugh. Right next to the game info and date, there was a small rainbow heart that said "TY + JOSH", and it was the same on Josh's shirt. Then they turned them around, and above Josh's number it said "Captain's boyfriend" and above Tyler's it said "Josh's boyfriend". Tyler was smirking brightly as he read it. "I'm a hundred percent gonna wear this one instead", he said as he handed the shirt to Josh and he pulled his shirt up and off over his head.

When he glanced at Jeremy and Colin, he saw their eyes dart down and Tyler halted. "Oh... I'm sorry, I should've- I should've asked if you were okay with seeing... This", he said softly as he looked down at his scars. "It uh... It's- it's not from a cat, I don't even have a cat, so I'm sorry that I lied", he said. "But it's pretty obvious that it's not a cat now that you can see them properly", he said.

Josh pressed a firm kiss on Tyler's cheek. "I love you", he whispered. "I love you too", Tyler smiled softly. "So do we Ty, we love you too", Jeremy said. "Yeah, a whole fucking lot. You can always reach out to us if you wanna talk about anything at all, alright?" Colin said. Tyler smiled. "Thanks, guys", he said as he stepped closer and he gave them both a hug at the same time. "I haven't done it in a little while, and I am genuinely incredibly happy right now. Everything I worried about that eventually lead me to this... It has been washed away today", he said. "...I'm not saying it's totally gone, but... I'm gonna try really hard to not let anything make me feel as bad as the things have done in the past", he said. "And I'm gonna try even harder to stay clean 'cause I don't wanna look like this forever", he said with a soft sigh.

"Have you tried scar cream?" Jeremy asked as he wrapped his arms around Tyler's waist. Tyler shook his head no. "You should try it. I haven't done it myself but a friend from middle school did and it really helped him", he said. Tyler smiled softly. "I'll give it a try. Thank you", he told Jeremy. He pressed a kiss on Tyler's forehead and he gave him a tight hug. "All three of us will be there for you in college every day of the year, I promise. Long after college, nothing will change", he said.

"Love you so much, Ty", Colin said as he pressed a kiss on Tyler's temple. "Well now I gotta join in with the kissing-Tyler's-face", Josh said as he walked up to them, and he as captain's boyfriend, was allowed to kiss Tyler's lips.

"C'mon handsome, get that shirt off", Tyler then said to Josh, who laughed and he took his shirt off, both putting on their new shirts. "Being gay is pretty great, apparently", Tyler said as he snaked his arms around Josh's waist and he cuddled him tightly. "You just gotta have the right people around you, and I'm incredibly lucky that I do", he sighed.

"Of course, babe. And if anyone ever tries to say anything otherwise, we'll protect you with everything we have", Colin said and Jeremy nodded in agreement. Tyler let out a soft laugh. "You guys are the best", he said. He pecked Jeremy's cheek, then Colin's, and then Josh's lips.

"C'mon, we have a game to celebrate", Tyler smiled.


Sooooo close to the ending. Only one more chapter left (I might cry bc I love them and this so much). It was always supposed to be a short story but became much longer than it was supposed to. I don't have any regrets though, apart from that I really wish I would've been able to keep going sooner instead of letting it get to me so much and not being able to finish it before most people left.

I'm so grateful for everyone who stayed and is still here, waiting for the end of this fic. I love you and appreciate you so damn much. Did you like this chapter? Any feedback you could give me? It would mean the world if you could leave a vote. I love you <3 we almost did it. One more chapter.

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