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" karma's a bitch ! "


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IT WAS THREE days after the hallway incident that Rory saw Hannah again. She hadn't even seen her in class due to the large amount of time she spent skipping lessons. Or being told off for skipping lessons. She also hadn't made an effort to see her outside of school, but then again, neither had Hannah.

The fallout had happened on Tuesday, and it was the lunch of Friday that the pair first saw each other. Rory was still her oblivious and obnoxious self, so she went about ignoring her friend and pretending like she didn't know who she was. Hannah, however, was fed up of eating lunch alone and would offer small smiles if they made eye contact, that were more often than not, shot down with harsh glares from Rory's seat across the room.

After 15 minutes of lingering scowls and light grins, Hannah rose from her seat dramatically and stormed out of the hall, dumping her food from her tray into a trash can angrily. She expected that Rory would follow her, but in reality, she had left a table of cheerleaders and jocks laughing about her behind.

"I honestly have never spent a day at this fucking school that Hannah Baker has not made about herself." Bryce sighed, taking a handful of fries off of Monty's tray. The rest of his companions sniggered with him.

"Amen to that." Zach muttered under his breath as he kicked Rory's leg from under the table. She looked up at him, instantly knowing what he was hinting at. The two had been carrying out the plan Bryce has suggested to them over the past few days and they still had no idea if it has affected Hannah in any way. They both took turns emptying her bag, and luckily for them, Hannah hasn't seen them once.

"I still don't understand her." Justin added. "She's been through so much shit and she still draws attention to herself."

"Her ass isn't even that great, Standall." Monty nodded at the boy beside him. Rory rolled her eyes and swatted her boyfriend's chest at his statement. He turned to look at her with his eyebrows furrowed. "What?" He drew out, confusion evident in his voice.

Rory just raised her eyebrows at him mockingly as some of the boys scoffed at him. "Seriously, dude," Bryce laughed, "Have some goddamn respect." He joked, clearly poking fun at Rory's offence. She smiled sarcastically at him, throwing one of her fries directly at him, hitting him straight in the centre of his face.

Bryce and Rory had never been the closest of friends. Well, they had hooked up before one summer, but their usual conversation never lasted longer than a few minutes. Their families, however, were extremely close. The Walker's and the Price's were the most notorious families in Crestmont, mostly due to their wealth and close connections with the local authorities. They were respected by most of the citizens due to the sizeable donations they had both made to benefit the public schools in the area. It also helped that they lived across the road from each other and both Bryce's mom and dad had known Rory's parents since middle school. They were brought up together, but they never managed to share the same close bond their parents did.

"Hannah Baker is problematic, but she's not impossible." Sheri said from the corner of the long table. All heads turned to face her, most now only noticing her presence.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Rory stuttered as she processed the statement. Hannah Baker was the definition of impossible. No one could begin to explain her, and they all doubted Sheri could either.

"Look, I get that she's a drama queen, but we all give her way too much shit for it." She continued, glancing at the faces of her friends nervously as she explained her point again. Most just scoffed at her and rolled their eyes instead of engaging fully with her. Others pulled faces and muttered questions to the people sat beside them.

"Speak for yourself." Zach murmured, looking down at his food. The other jocks around the table knew about his rejection and 'ooh'ed at him and slapped his back. Zach rose quickly from his seat and left the cafeteria swiftly to avoid the teasing from his friends.

"I should go talk to him." Rory said, trying to excuse herself from the conversation easily.

"Let the mama's boy cry, Rory. It's not like we were talking about him." Monty replied, trying to pull his girlfriend down beside him. She ignored him completely and used the hand that wasn't supporting her while she got up to push away his arm.

"Anybody coming with?" She said, aiming her question mainly towards the girls on the cheer team sat at the other end of the table. Sheri nodded
and followed Rory's actions.

Both girls turned to leave, Bryce calling behind them. "You still on for tonight though, ladies?"

They nodded as they strutted out together, splitting separate ways at the doorway. Rory once had been attached to Sheri at the hip, mostly during middle school and freshman year. When they started at Liberty, they had both joined the cheer team together. Sheri did so because she had always had a keen interest in athletics and sport, Rory because she had watched enough chic flicks to know that cheer made you popular.

While it did have a huge boost in her social status, Rory found most of her popularity from money and a secret boob job she had done illegally with her mother during summer break. The new found high school fame meant Sheri and Rory slowly drifted apart and only really talked during cheer. That hobby was soon ditched when the blonde girl found it took too much time away from social hours with her new friends.

"Why me, Zach?" Hannah shouted down the hall, drawing the attention of Rory. She was stood in the doorway of Ms. Bradley's classroom, her hands running through her hair nervously as she teetered on the balls of her feet.

Rory watched as Zach turned away from Hannah, his head hanging low. The blonde girl ran up beside her friend, grabbing onto his arm to slow his fast pace down. "What was that about?" She asked.

"I can't do it, Rory." He whispered, barley expecting her to hear him.

"You okay?" She asked again, becoming worried for him. Zach and Rory had been friends since kindergarten despite how different they both were to each other. She knew him well enough to know when he was upset, and this was not be of the times she could tell he wasn't okay.

Zach shook his head whilst still looking at the his feet, a prominent frown in his face. Rory sighed as she led him outside and to the bleachers facing the football field. They sat beside each other in silence for a while, until Zach began to mummer over at Rory. "She saw me taking her compliments. Hannah left me a letter but I can't bring myself to read it." He shook his head slowly, sighing before starting again, "I'm done pretending I don't care about her."

"I get it." Rory nodded, "But you owe it to her to read the letter." Although it appeared that she still hated Hannah Baker, Rory couldn't deny that deep down, she still cared for her. She couldn't explain why, but she though maybe because she could see herself in Hannah. They had both been misjudged by the pupils at the true school wether they chose to accept it or not.

"I thought you were just like the rest of them." Zach spoke again, louder than he had been previously.

"Me too." Rory nodded along with his acknowledgement. Zach chuckled as she rested her head in his shoulder awkwardly.

"Good talk." He smirked as he patted her back and began to sit up, "See you at Bryce's?"

"See you at Bryce's." Rory confirmed as her friend smiled and walked off down the bleachers, letter in hand.

yikes this book keeps getting worse and worse sorry <3333

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