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" maybe we'll see you again ! "

KISS & TELL" maybe we'll see you again  ! "EPISODE ONE; CHAPTER TWO

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DISCLAIMER; not really a disclaimer but this chapter was gunna be really short so i messed about with the timeline of certain events oops xx

WHEN RORY WOKE up, she could barely remember what had happened the night before. She could definitely tell, however, that she had gotten very drunk from her pounding headache and puffy eyes; it almost looked like she had been crying herself to sleep.

Saturday weren't nearly as boring when a party had occurred the day before, as people had story's to share on various group chats and social media accounts. That's why when Rory went reaching for the phone on her bedside, she was shocked to see the messages and notifications she had received.

She scrolled down her lock screen, staring with wide eyes as she briefly read them all. Most of them shared a common theme; Jeff Atkins is dead.

Rory gasped when she unlocked the device and completed a quick internet search to reveal that Jeff had been involved in a car accident outside of the Blue Spot Liquor store last night. The police ruled it as a drunk driving incident, and Jeff was the only fatality.

"Shit." She whispered under her breath. Rory could vaguely remember talking to Jeff last night, only fragments of their conversation  remaining in her memory. Maybe, she thought to herself, if she had stayed and talked to him for longer, he'd still be alive.

That wasn't the only thing she would learn to regret about that night.

"Rory, darl?" The sing-song voice of her mother waved through the air. "Have you heard the news?"

For someone about to tell their daughter that their classmate had died, she sounded overly happy. "Yes, mom." Rory answered, "I didn't know him that well though."

"But it said on the 'Liberty Moms' facebook page that he was on the baseball team, like most of your friends." Her mother still wouldn't open Rory's door, instead taking to her daughter through the wood instead. Of course she was a member of a group for mothers of Liberty High students.

"Mom, just leave it okay?" Rory sighed as she heard her mother huff and scurry away, probably to go and get in with her life idly making phone calls and watching Crisley Knows Best re-runs.

Rory continued to scroll down her phone, liking memorial posts and replying to various messages she had received, before receiving a phone call from Hannah Baker.

"Hey." She drew out her words to make her sound more upset than she was to try and make Hannah believe she was indeed affected by the incident.

"Take it you've heard." The other girl sighed through the phone.

"Tragic, I know." Rory whispered, realising her choice of words and tone may not have been the best for the situation when she heard her friend wince slightly from the other end.

"Do you wanna, maybe, do something? Today. Like hang out?" Hannah stumbled through her words, clearly having suppressing what she really wanted to say, "Or something..?" She added, trailing off.

"Meet me at Rosie's in 20?" Rory asked.

"Sure." Hannah confirmed their plans just as the blonde girl hung up. Phone calls between the two were always brief, especially when something major had happened in their lives.

Keeping to her word, Rory was outside Rosie's exactly 20 minutes later, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her coat as the air was becoming cooler by the day. Hannah turned up a few minutes after, apologising profusely as she knew Rory would bring it up if she didn't.

The two found a table next to the window, ordering a hot chocolate for the both of them. They sipped their drinks in silence for a while, each girl sighing as they thought about last nights events; Rory trying to remember them and Hannah trying to forget.

"Hey, I can't stay out too long." Hannah started, "I've got to work at the store for a while."

Rory nodded, "That's cool." She smiled as they sipped again, falling back into a silence that now felt uneasy. "Do you like working at the pharmacy?" She asked curiously.

"Not really." Hannah laughed nervously, "I do it to help my mom and dad out. They're a bit tight for money at the moment."

"Oh." Rory raised her eyebrows. Hannah rarely talked about her home life with her and it felt like her friend was finally opening up to her.

"Yeah." The brunette girl nodded awkwardly, again drinking from her cup like it was a coping mechanism for her to diffuse her anxiety, "Oh, yeah. I have to drop of some cash at the bank as well."

"Cool," Rory answered, "I walked so we could go there when we're done and then go shopping or something?"

"Sure." Hannah smiled as she finished her hot chocolate. It took Rory another few minutes to do so, but the two aimlessly chattered until she was ready to leave.

They left Rosie's and headed towards Hannah's car that was parked outside. Rory watched as she slipped the money out of her bag and placed it on top of the roof of her car. The blonde girl watched and listened as Hannah continued to complain about her financial situation at home. Not that Rory minded, it was nice hearing a different perspective of life in Crestmont.

Rory's mind wondered as Hannah continued droning on, searching through numerous bags for her payslip. The girl started thinking about her own finances and how Hannah could benefit from her greatly. If she could find a way to get her friend to rely on her, she would have no problem opening up further. All she had to do was-

"Found it." Hannah concluded as she pulled out her cheque and snapped Rory from her daze.

"Phew." The blonde girl replied, wiping her forehead sarcastically to imitate relief. Hannah shoved her as she got into the other side, seemingly forgetting about the money. The money.

"You coming or what, Gia?" Her friend laughed from the drivers seat as Rory chucked along too, finally getting into the passenger seat.

A rushed and short chapter because i realised school starts tomorrow and i haven't written any chapters already yikessss <333

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