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" dead girl walking ! "


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ALL EYES LAID on Rory Price as she continued her usual strut to her locker, something she was extremely familiar with. They whispered and laughed as she passed them, gasping as they heard parts of other people's conversation. It was all very normal to Rory until the whispers turned to mutters and mumbles.

"Slut." Someone coughed under their breath, right as she was about to turn the corner. The hallway fell silent. Rory stopped and cocked her head to the side. She spun around and headed towards the boy in a varsity jacket she had expected to have said it.

"What did you just say to me?" Rory whispered as she clutched the strap of her bag harder.

"Sup." He shakily answered, knowing full well that the girl could tell he was lying.

Rory scoffed as she walked away and the noise crept back up again. She could hear the shouts from behind her, choosing to ignore them and make a beeline for her locker instead, eager to find one of her friends on the way.

"Rory! Come look." Zach shouted from the end of the hall as he saw her approach. He gestured to her locker, the blonde girl already seeing the smudge of red paint on the front.

In bold letters, the word 'SLUT' was written right over her locker. She watched as people took photos and whispered, quietening back down when they say her staring right at it.

"We've told Principal Bolan." Bryce said as Rory scrubbed at the paint with her sleeve as a feeble attempt to remove the words.

"I know who it was." She muttered under her breath angrily, seeing the person in question leave Mr Porter's office just as she was about to start looking for her. "What the fuck, Baker?" She shouted as she headed towards her 'friend'.

"Rory? Are you okay?" Hannah asked, clearly oblivious as to what was going on.

"You wrote slut on my fucking locker." Rory seethed as she shook her head and took a step back from the gobsmacked girl. "This is because of Zach isn't it?"

"I don't under-"

"I'm not stupid, Hannah. I know it was you." The blonde girl rolled her eyes as Hannah continued to stutter out excuses and lies. "Maybe you're the slut. Justin, Courtney, Clay, Marcus. You couldn't let one go, could you." Rory continued to taunt Hannah.

That was until Rory felt her cheek burn and heard winces from the crowd around her. She looked up at the short-haired girl, seeing the tears falling from her eyes. Rory laughed bitterly as she clutched her cheek. "Fuck you." She whispered before she lifted her own hand.

"You two; get in here!" Mr Porter screamed as he noticed them outside his window, yells being heard from almost every direction.

Rory slumped down in her seat, Hannah shifting uncomfortably as the blonde girl mumbled quietly to herself as Mr Porter settled himself. "Which one of you two are gunna tell me how this started then?" He asked.

"She painted slut on my locker." Rory sighed, picking her nails and refusing to look up at neither Hannah nor Mr Porter.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"She's the type of person to do a shitty thing like that, so yes." Rory rolled her eyes as Hannah scoffed from the seat beside her.

"Well, did you?" Mr Porter directed his question towards the silent girl, whose tears were still prominent as they fell down her face.

"Of course not." Hannah shook her head, "Not after everything she's done for me."

"Then why were you fighting?" Mr Porter asked again. He sure liked to ask questions. The two girls spoke over each other until he shushed then and gestured to Rory to speak.

"I asked her about it, she denied it and then she slapped me." The blonde girl looked up at the councillor at this point, making her eyes well with tears as if she was being sincere about the whole story.

"Is this true?" He asked Hannah with wide eyes, his chin rested in his hand. Mr Porter couldn't believe the story being told, certainly after what she had previously been in his office for.

"Yeah, but-"

"So you admit to slapping her?" Mr Porter interrupted her.

"She called me a-"

"I don't wanna hear it." He sighed, shaking his head at her. "Hannah, you're suspended for the rest of the day."

"What?" Hannah gasped as Rory smirked to herself. Mr Porter dismisses the two, the blonde girl thanking him for his time, just to spite Hannah.

As they walked out into the hall, most people had already gone to class. "You're dead to me, Baker." Rory whispered, turning on her heel and leaving her, not knowing it would be the last time she would ever see Hannah alive.

changed the time line again xoxo hannah makes the tapes after she sees mr porter, k? k. also this is short i'm sorry xx the gif is the wrong side because i'm watching the deh bootleg and i can't be bothered to resize it xoxo love u grill

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