Diner Date ~Ruby~

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Warnings: language
Requested: yes Gabbbzz
Prompts: #9 and #3
A/n: i have an idea for an IT book. I also wanna start another imagine book. What movie/show should it be about?

"You uh.. you look nice," Ruby smiled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck "not that you don't always look nice! You always do! I just mean.. you.. yeah I'm gonna stop talking"

  "You don't look too bad yourself, Ruby" You smiled and patted his shoulder before gripping his hand with your own. You intertwined your fingers and pulled him off towards your date location.

You walked hand in hand in a comfortable silence. The warm summer sun was shining brightly on you, which lifted your mood even more.

  You finally arrived at the small diner. It was started in the nineteen-eighties by a couple who still run it today.

You walk in and lead him to a table toward the back of the diner. The diner had a mix of eighties and fities vibes. It had a juke box that would play music from that decade. Right now you could hear Manic Monday playing.

  "Good evening! My name is Alissa and I'll be your waitress tonight! Can I start you off with any drinks?" You looked over to see a relatively tall girl with coal colored eyes. Her naturally raven hair had been dyed to a turquoise color at the ends. She had dark lipstick and dark makeup on.

"Oh just a lemonade, please" you smiled politely.

She seems nice you thought. She nodded and wrote it down

"And for you, handsome?" She smiled slyly, eyeing you out of the corners of her eyes.

Nevermind. You thought glaring.

"Oh, uh I'll just have a coke please" she nodded and walked off after writing it down.

"And for you, handsome?" You mimicked, scoffing and rolling your eyes.

"I think someone's jealous" he cooed, smiling at you.

"I'm not jealous." You huffed leaning back.

"Here's your drinks! And my number. Your drink is on the house, handsome" she smiled coyly, you could tell she had unbuttoned her shirt and messed with her hair.

"Can you not flirt with my boyfriend?" You narrowed your eyes at her and stand up.

"Hm. You're the girlfriend, huh? Well, honey, he won't be your boyfriend for much longer"

"What's that supposed to mean?" You snapped.

"Love, let's just go, we can go to pizza hut instead" Ruby reasoned, grabbing your hand.

"No, no let's not. I wanna hear what this bitch has to say" you glared, pulling your hand out of his grasp.

"Wow, strong language much? I bet your daddy wouldn't be too pleased with that, would he?" Your glare dropped as you stepped back slightly. Your dad was kind of strict, but loving, he just didn't want you to curse. How did she even know about him?

"Leave him out of this" you snapped, again.
"Come on, love, be the bigger person." He pleaded, tugging on your hand.

"Fine" you relented and started walking toward the door with him.

"Ha! Coward!" She laughed with a taunting smirk on her face.

"Bitch!" You called back, flipping her off.

"I love you, (Y/n)" he smiled at you as you walked back down the street.

"I love you, too"

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