Mistakes ~Ruby~

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A/n: Hope ya'll are ready this is angsty af.
Requested by: Not Requested
Prompts: 2, "I though you loved me?" 13, "How could you?" and 24 "Don't call me that."
Warnings; Cursing and infidelity

You, Y/n Y/l/n, are completely in love with your best friend, Ruby Martinez. As cliché as it really is, you couldn't stop yourself from falling for him more each day.

There have been attempts where you tried to tell him, but you never did. Until one day, you finally mustered up enough courage to tell him.

April 24th.

That day was the day you deemed the best day of your life. He loved you, too.  You had never been happier as his arms wrapped around you in a tight hug.

You ignored the gunshots heard in the distance that day, too wrapped up in him to notice.

If it were even possible, you managed to fall more and more in love. The two of you planned a future together. You planned to get married after you graduated and finally move out of Freeridge.

You were the happiest you had ever been. Until one day, you caught him doing something unforgivable.

"How could you?" You cried, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"Love-" He tried, taking small steps towards you.

"Don't call me that!" You seethed, glaring at him. "You lost the right for that when you fucking kissed her!"

"Love, I-"

"I thought you loved me? What happened to that, huh?"

"I do love you! So much!"

"Do you? Do you really?"


"I don't believe you. If you did, you wouldn't have kissed her."

With that, you spun around and left his house, anger and hurt radiating off of you. You stomped down the steps of his home, your fists clenched at your sides. You were halfway down the sidewalk when a hand wrapped around your wrist.


"She kissed me, you have to believe that!"

"Ruby, as much as I want to, I saw you kiss her. There's no way you can deny it.." You gently pulled away and started on your way again.

"Love, love, love please. I'm sorry! It was a mistake! Please.."

"Ruby, don't. Just.. don't." You whispered, barely audible to him.

"I'm sorry!"

"Me too."


All Ruby could do was watch as you walked away, hurt spreading from his heart throughtout his body. He regretted every decision he had made that day as he watched you. Your head hung low as your arms wrapped themselves around your body. You tried to hold in the tears, telling yourself if he cheated then he wasn't worth it.

Ruby stood on the sidewalk long after  you had disappeared from his sights. He stood, watching where your figure used to be, hoping to see you running back, your h/l h/c hair flowing behind you as the wind hit you.

That moment never came, and he turned with sigh towards his house. He closed his door with a frown, ignoring the gunshots in the distance.

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