Cheerful ~Jamal~

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A/n: I'm just gonna let you know now that on April 29-May 3rd I won't be posting any imagines. Thats because its production week and I'm busy all day the entire week. Sorry for the inconvenience, guys!
Requested by: norminahcaptain

"And a do the fa- Yes! Perfect!" You shouted, clapping your hands together and smiling. "Great work today, girls! See you next practice!'

The girls nodded and slowly dispersed from the football feild. You turned, taking a sip of your water, and started to watch Jamal practice, well, sort of practice, for football.

You let out a quiet sigh as you watched him. You sat on the bench, watching as you pulled out your phone to text a few of your friends.

Looking up, a giggle left your lips as you waved back to Jamal. He had one arm raised above his head as he waved it frantically with a large grin on his face.

You laughed to yourself as your older brother hit him over the head and pointed towards the others.


Homecoming was coming up, you hoped Jamal would ask you, but you kmew he wouldn't. So, here you stood, sign in both hands, working up the nerve to ask him to go with you. You were going to ask him, you could have chosen a better time. Right before practice probably wasn't the best idea, but nonetheless, it was too late now.

You took a deep breath, walking up to his friends.

"Um, hi-" You started, bouncing your leg as your heartbeat sped up.

"Uh, hi?" One of them asked, a confused look across her face, "what are you doing?"

"Do you know where Jamal is? I saw him with you earlier.."

"Why?" One of them looked at you skeptically as he looked you up and down.

"W-well, because I want to ask him to homecoming.." You raised the sign in your hand, suddenly becoming very uncomfortable under all their stares.

"You and Jamal? Is this some kind of joke?"

"I'm sorry?"

"We know all about your kind. How they like to ask you out and crush your heart without a second thought!"

"First of all, No. You don't. You know nothing about me. Second of all, I happen to actually like him." You defended, your head shaking, causing the ponytail your hair was tied in to bounce back and forth.

"Do you? Or is it just some sick joke you and your little peppy friends like to do?"

"You know what? Fine. I'll find him myself, since all of you clearly have no manners."

With a huff, you turned and stomped off to find Jamal.

After a few minutes of searching, you finally found him.

"Hey, Jamal." You smiled nervously, gripping the sigh tighter as you walked up to him.

"Oh, h-hey, Y/n," He glanced down at your sign and his smile faltered. "looking for Alex? Josh?"

"No, neither of them." You shrugged, your open hand playing with the bottom of your cheer uniform. "I was looking for you, actually."

"Me?" His facial espression changed from sadness to shock, "is this a joke?"

"What? No!" You huffed, rolling your eyes.

"Oh, okay.. continue."

"Right, okay." You took a deep breath as you held up the sign in front of you. "Jamal, will you go to homecoming with me?"

"Hm.." Your heart dropped as your face fell. "Yeah, I'll go."


"Really." You dropped the sign as you moved forward and threw your arms around him. He stumbled back slightly as his arms moved to wrap around your waist.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Jamal." You smiled, kissing his cheek as you began to skip off cheerfully, leaving him behind with his fingers brushing the place where you kissed him.


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