Jerk ~Oscar~

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A/n: I literally have no idea where to start with this either, whoopsies
Requested by: @blue-blood-princess
Prompt: 1, angst"Shut up! Just.. shut up!"
Warnings: Language

Oscar had been spending less and less time with you and more time with his gang. He started to miss dates. At first, it was a few dates here and there. Until it escalated. Now, he missed date after date. He was too busy with his gang.

You understood that the gang was important to him,so it was important to you. Except, you're important, too.

At least, you should be.

When he missed your two year anniversary date, you decided to confront him. You were angry at him. You wanted his time, too.

"Oscar, I deserve your time, too! I'm your fucking girlfriend!" You shouted with a glare. "Where are you always? Huh?"

"With the ga-" He started, but you quickly cut him off with a harsh jab against his chest with your finger.

"No! There is absolutely no way you are always with your gang! Tell me the truth!"

"Y/n, it is the truth!" He shouted with a harsh glare towards you. You didn't back down. You stood your ground, arms crossed and your e/c eyes narrowed in anger.

"I don't believe that! Are you cheating on me?"

"What?" He whispered, putting his hands on his hips.

"I said, are you cheating on me?"

"You gotta be fuckin' kidding me! No!"

"How do I know that? Huh? You leave early and don't come back until late, and you just.. Oscar, I don't know where you go. I don't know if I want to.."

"Y/n.." He started, anger lacing his voice. "You don't wanna do this."

"I don't wanna do this? What are you gonna do?"

"I really am just with the gang! I'm not going to some puta's house!"

"Shut up!" You seethed, "Just shut up!"

"Excuse me?"

"I don't wanna hear it! I don't wanna hear your lame ass excuse!"

"I didn't cheat on you!" He began to take a step forward with each word said, "it had to be perfect."

"What did?"

"The ring!"

"Wh-what?" Your anger began to diminish as the fire left your e/c eyes, "Osc, what ring?" 

He sighed and slowly pulled a little black box out of his pocket, "This one.. I was gonna propose at a restaurant.. but, uh.."

"Holy shit.." You mumbled, your hand flying up to your mouth.

"So," He started, getting onto one knee, "Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?"

He lifted the black box to reveal a beautiful black ring with a white diamond.

"Yeah, yeah, yes!" A grin broke out onto his face as he slipped the ring on your finger. You pulled him up and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Do you like it?" His hands slipped down to your waist.

"Like it? I love it! How did you get this?"


"Was it legally?"

"Yes! It was legal! I promise!"


"Y/n, I promise."

"Good, good." You nodded and leaned your head on Oscar's shoulder.

"I love you.. I'm sorry I missed our dates."

You nodded, "I love you, too."

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