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Trigger Warning
Mention of sexual assault

6 Days Later.

"And where the fuck, is PJ?" Phil demanded, glancing around at each and everyone of his gang members.

Every meeting since that man named Brendon made his way into the warehouse, PJ missed.

Everyone shrugged in response besides Felix who stood uncomfortably, shifting his feet.

The very second Phil noticed Felix's uncertainty everyone snapped their head towards their technology engineer.

Felix sighed. "Look, I didn't want to say anything, Phil—"

"Spit it out Pewds." Phil grumbled.

Felix lumbered forward, opening his arms out and narrowing his hazel eyes. "PJ was saying some—pretty nasty stuff about your baby the other ni—"

Phil swiftly glanced sideways and raised his hand to stop Felix. "Da—My Dan?" He said in an almost shocked manner.

Felix pressed his lips to one side and nodded, staring right into Phil's soul.

"You've gotta be kiddin—" Phil smiled, blinking rapidly, the flame of anger inside of him sparking. "What was he saying?"

He hesitated to speak, and only came to a honest conclusion. "Boss, it's not—it's repulsive to repeat."

Then the warehouse's door swung open wide, which only made everyone's eyes dart, lips slightly agape, and minds merely awaiting a war to break out. Phil followed the sound of swift metal hitting metal, and turned around slowly.

Phil spread his arms wide, his actions slurred as his mind was the only thing keeping the rage inside of him from bursting out in sparks of hard punches. "Just in time," He says, staring. Sight like guns, only aiming to shoot. Phil intertwined his fingers back together, his body standing tall his true mafia showing, you could say. "It's hilarious that you would even show your face here."

PJ tilted his head back, an evil laugh escaping his dry, cracked lips. "So, you've heard." He stepped closer, trying to intimidate Phil. It didn't work, it only made him seem more pathetic.

"You think I wouldn't have?" Phil's voice coarse and throaty, sounding like when you dragged your calloused fingers across rusted metal, which could send shivers down anyone's spine.

PJ shook his head with a smile. "No, I knew you would," He took a glance at Felix and snickered. "That thing is as submissive as your fuck toy at home."

Felix rolled his hands into fists, he tried to take a single step forward but before he could give Peej a piece of his mind, Mark stuck out his arm stopping him.

Chuckling now, PJ popped his knuckles waving his hands as if he's dismissing a court. Each gang member's eyes on him in a disgusting way causing him to become enraged. "Come on you guy's! Take a joke."

Pewds shook his head, then screamed. "PJ, you know goddamn well you weren't joking. You said, to my face, that you would fuck Dan senseless till he cried!"

PJ furrowed his brow and then stared at Felix in horror. "What!?" PJ looked Phil dead in the eyes and shook his head. "Phil, you know me! I-I would never say something like that about Dan—"

Phil laughed in disbelief, his jaw clenched. "Get out."

Peej's eyes widened, his heart beating two times to fast. "What?"

Phil stepped incredibly close, his blue inflamed optics dancing up and down PJ's frame, testing him. "I said, get, the, fuck, out."

PJ darted for Phil and grabbed him by the shoulders shaking him. "Are you kidding me?! I've been here for you since we were kids, Phil!? You think I'm lying? I know I'm and asshole but come on Phil I was there for you when our dads died!"

Phil forcefully shoved PJ to the ground shaking his head. "I trusted you. Not anymore."

Peej flew up from the ground on the verge of throwing his fists. "You never trusted me! I was always a burden to this gang because you know goddamn well that it was supposed to be mine in the beginning!! My dad passed it on to me and you stole it!! You'll pay for this Lester!!"

"Get him out of my sight." Phil hissed, turning his back to his backstabbing friend. How ironic.

PJ put his hands up, his palms spread. "Listen—wait!" Then in an instant, Dodie and Mark grabbed him by the arms dragging him out of the warehouse leaving Felix and Phil alone. "I never even said those things about Dan! He's lying! Felix is lying!—" The door slammed shut cutting off PJ's screams.

"Thanks Felix, for telling me." Phil said quietly.

Felix held out his hand, letting Phil grip it tightly; in a truce. "Anything to keep Dan safe."

Phil's head dipped towards his ally in a nod. Then he let go marching back towards his bike.

Like bricks hitting him upside the head, everything set in.

He just kicked his long life friend out of his own gang.

𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ✧ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍 ✧ 𝐏𝐓. 𝐈𝐈Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ