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"We're doing this tonight, the very strike of midnight," Phil demanded, eyes squinted in a pure psychotic way. His mind only laced to one thing, and one thing only. Revenge. "Felix knows the exact location of PJ, and we'll follow him to his new hotel."

Dodie slipped her black fabric gloves, wrapping the velcro strap around them to keep them in place. "What about pedestrians? London is never solely dead, especially on a Friday, boss."

"We'll stay in the clear, it can't be extremely hard, avoid using a gun also, if it's our only option sure but when it comes down to it, I want you to use your bat," Phil criticized, raking his hair back. "We're going to draw the least amount of attention as possible."

Felix nodded, eyes shielded seemingly hiding something. Most likely pain, killing someone who you once cared for before isn't easy.

Ignoring it, Phil stood up from his chair letting the metal bottoms scratch against the tiles of their floor. "Okay," He said, mainly to comfort himself. "Felix, you're in the get away car, Dodie you're with me."

The clocked ticked in a slow manner. "11:32 PM" It read.



Dodie had her bat ready in hand, Phil stood at the entrance of their victims door; his heart in a unimaginable hurt but his mind could see clearly. This is going to happen.

Once again the sun was tucked back away in God's cupboard, letting the moon and the flicker of stars do their best to lead the night.

Phil's breath escaped his lips as they all awaited the right time. Until Phil's command, Felix was in the car ready to get a move on.

Luckily, PJ's motel room was currently on the bottom floor, making it much easier to get in and out.

They both stood crouched down, until Phil stood up slightly, peaking into the dust stained window no one bothered to clean.

Looking into the hotel, it was basically a hole. Off to the very right side of the perfectly equilateral room was a bathroom along with a mini fridge and on the opposite side shoved up into the corner was a dingy bed with floral bedsheets. A small flatscreen sat on a dresser directly in front of the bed which was where PJ sat, flipping through channels, carelessly.

Glancing at Felix quickly, Phil stuck out his hand counting down inaudible numbers with his fingers.

The door was scratched and dented with chipped brown varnish, it had a brass colored lock and door knob dulled with age and greasy fingermarks. A brass safety chain dangled at the side of the door, a pointless gesture in a neighborhood like this. "Three, two, one." Phil planted one foot on the ground, grasped the door frame and thrusted the other foot with all the might he could muster into the door. The wood swung open in full force causing the walls to vibrate.

PJ jumped up, the top of his head almost hitting the low popcorn ceilings. He froze and stared at Phil with wide eyes, glancing back between Dodie and his life long friend.

Waiting for Phil's command, Dodie held the bat still.

PJ shot up his hands, fear racking his body as he scooted himself backwards hitting the wall behind him. "Phil!! What the hell!?"

"I told you, I was done with the interrogation," Phil said rather calmly, casing down at his twiddling fingers. He snapped his neck upwards. "I was tired of the threats Peej, and you didn't stop," He shook his head in a disappointed manner. "You didn't stop threatening Dan I just had to take matters into my own—"

PJ pressed his back further into the cream coloured walls, arms still stretched in the air. "Ph-Phil! I have no idea what you're talking about!!"

Dodie pinned the bat into Peej's chest, eyes rolling into the back of her head. "Come on PJ, we all knew you had something against Dan—it was known you wanted to lead the gang again—"

He frantically shook his head. "Dan? I had—" He locked eye contact with Phil. "I had nothing against Dan, I have no idea what you're talking about! Please!"

With one raised eyebrow, Phil tilted his head. "You have an account on the dark web—you said you would get your revenge. You texted Dan that you would make sure he knew what it feels like to be under a real man! You told Felix that you would fuck Dan senseless till—" 

Suddenly, the motel room's door slammed shut and a single soft click erupted from the door.

Everyone whipped around and Dodie raced towards the exit, shaking the handle with one hand, then two palms. A frantic realization clouded through her, wiping the colour from her features. She turned around, arms slacked and heart thumping rapidly. "Felix locked the door."

Cutting them all off completely was the sound of their car's engine slicing through the night like a dagger through fruit.

Complete utter confusion erased every one of Phil's thoughts. His mouth began to slack as he tried to map out the files in his brain, but the organizing didn't line up. "What the fuck?" He almost screamed.

PJ stood straight up, he placed his hand on Phil's shoulder and the emerald eyed man looked down at the floor trying to figure out what was happening as well. "Phil, I never did anything on the dark web—I don't even know how to," Phil blinked as Dodie started to continually hit the door nob with strong whacks of her wooden baseball bat. "The only one who knew anything about technology is—"

Phil looked away, mind throbbing over the situation. He splayed his fingers over his eyes, shifting his feet as if the ground was becoming hotter beneath the carpet. The sparks in his brain desperately trying to connect the dots and instead just causing a short circuit. "Felix?" Phil squinted upwards, relief over not having to murder his childhood friend took away some stress from the blue eyed man, but despite it all there was no comfort for the sick, disgusted feeling whirling in the pit of his stomach. "Fucking hell!" Phil slammed his forearms onto the dresser pushing the palms of his hands to his head. "I-I trusted—!" But he stopped himself. "Dan..shit! Dan and Mark!"

Phil fumbled into his back pocket as Dodie's brain shut down. She was clammy and there was the glisten of cold sweat portraying across her forehead as she tried her best to hit the lock harder in hopes to escape this planned hell.

Yanking out his phone, Phil held it in front of his frantic eyes as he tapped vigorously on the screen to get to Mark's contact in order to call him. Then a oh-to-well known contact glared in his face. Faster than life itself, Phil answered the call, shoving the phone up to his ear. "What the actual fuck is going on, Felix?"

All you could here on the other line of the call was the putter of the swift driving vehicle and an evil chuckle in victory. "Oh Phil," He taunted with a smile on his lips, as he held the phone against his jawline with zilch regrets. "This was all to easy for me. You guys were so easily manipulated basically I," He paused stifling back a laugh. "I had all of you unknowingly under my power."

Phil shook his head, hunching forward. "What do you mean." He demanded more than asked.

"PJ has always been an asshole and has always outwardly wanted what I wanted," Pewds kept one hand on the steering wheel as he switched lanes, cutting people off. "That's why it was so easy to just, make up shit about PJ wanting to hurt your baby to get your blood boiling to the point of kicking him out. Because of him being an ass to everyone, I intended on switching the limelight off of me and onto Peej; throwing him under the bus with false accusations because now it was believable that he said, said shit about Dan."

Phil bit his chapped bottom lip, dropping to his knees.

Pewds laughed evilly. "It's funny, when you were talking to Mark about how Peej was being smart," He tilted his head back in a snarl. "Technically, the guy you actually needed to kill was next to you."

Beep beep beep.

𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ✧ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍 ✧ 𝐏𝐓. 𝐈𝐈Where stories live. Discover now