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Dan peeked his head around the corner clinging his nails into the wall.

Mark sat on one side of the couch, his feet dangling off of the arm of the sofa and his red hair tangled with his fingers. His hand clenched around his phone talking to someone on FaceTime.

Dan smiled watching Markie laugh and shake his head.

"Okay baby, get some sleep, it's late. I love you." Mark said sitting up in his chair. A small I love you too came in response then the phone beeped indicating the call ended.

Mark sighed loudly rubbing his face with both of his hands. He yawned in fatigue when abruptly he jumped seeing Dan. With a grin, he placed his hand over his heart. "Jeez Dan, you scared me."

"Sorry.." Dan left the wall he was hugging and tip-toed towards the sofa.

Mark tilted his head at Dan, his teeth showing in his smile. "What's wrong? Do you need some water?"

Dan shook his head, then cris-crosses his legs on the couch. "I wasn't tired.." He shrugged. "Who were you talking to?"

Mark rubbed the nape of his neck grinning as he darted his eyes, his lips immediately turning up at the thought. "My boyfriend. You guys would actually get along well, he's a little like you."

Dan grinned, then it dropped in a few quick seconds. "I'm sorry that you're here taking care of me instead of him. I don't know why Phil made you watch over me. I mean.. I've taken care of myself before..." He let out quickly, feeling bad if he was the reason Mark wasn't taking care of his own little.

"Oh no, no. Jack's with his parents for a small holiday. I volunteered to look after you silly, it's not your fault."

Dan nodded feeling slightly better. "Ohs.. thank you for doing that too."

Mark nodded standing up. "Of course," He stretched out his arms then looked down at Dan. "Come on, lets get you to bed."

The little agreed and stood up following. Mark lead him back to his pink covered room.

Dan climbed back inside his bed pulling the heavy duvet up and over his body.

"Does Phil allow movies after bed time?" Mark queried, leaning over the small flat screen.

Dan nodded rubbing his eyes with his closed fists.

"Alrighty. What're we thinkin'? Winnie or Ariel?"

Dan pursed his lips. "Winnie.." he responded.

With a few more clicks, Mark was sneaking out the bedroom door letting Dan slowly drift off in to a soft slumber.


Crack! Crack! Crack!

"Where is he?!" A barely familiar sounding voice screamed echoing through the walls.

Dan shot up his head and blinked his eyes trying to comprehend what was happening in the middle of the night.

"I'll kill you Mark, be reasonable with me." Dan swallowed thickly letting out a quiet gasp. "Just tell me where Dan is—"

"Dan run!!" Mark wailed followed by another gunshot and a horrific scream in pain.

Dan felt his eyes begin to shine from the forming tears that were collecting in the corners of his irises, he went stiff. There was no where to go and whoever was outside his door wanted him for some reason he had no idea of. His stomach felt like he swallowed a twenty pound weight.

His feet slowly crept towards his door and he laid his trembling hands on the handle twisting it. He as quietly as possible made it out of the door, his breathing like a rapid fire growing faster with each blow. He tilted his head around the corner seeing four men doused in black clothing and charcoal colored masks shielding their identity.

"Ma..Markie?" He babbled out. Dan's eyes geared to the blood painted man on the floor. Mark's eyes were as wide as they could go as he held onto his wound and panted; fighting against death.

Instantly, the four unknown men whipped around faster than you could even imagine.

Dan's jaw shook uncontrollably and he inhaled sharply like he was swallowing a dagger as the two out of the four men raced towards him at full speed.

It felt like time took its toll and slowed its pace as he darted back down the hallway. One of the guys grabbed a slim hold of his arm but with a few yanks Dan was freed. In haste, the boy sprinted into his room but slipped falling to his knees, causing a rash from the rug to burn his hands. Dan urgently stood up and tried to force his door shut just before the men came in but failed sending him collapsing to the floor.

All four men pushed their way through the door with disgusting smug grins on their lips.

Dan scooted himself back hitting his head on a dresser.

"Come on sweetheart I don't have all night." One of them snickered rising the kicking and screaming Dan onto his feet. The men in black grabbed a tight hold of the boy and shoved him down to his bed.

Dan's eyes overfilled with oceans of tears. A man picked up a chloroform soaked rag and placed it over Dan's nose and mouth.

Soon enough, Dan's muffled sounds died down and he drifted off into a forced sleep.

Oooh that was fun.

𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ✧ 𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍 ✧ 𝐏𝐓. 𝐈𝐈Where stories live. Discover now