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gang violence warning
viewer discretion is advised

Dan looked down at his clothing—if you could call it that. He slowly curled his fists around the bottom of the blue silky fabric that laid over his small body. Tiny tears started in the back of his eyes and gradually made their way across his waterline. He tugged at the bottom of his lingerie type dress gently caressing his thumb over the white lace.

"Danny, baby. Won't you come here?" Felix's voice caused sirens to go off in Dan's brain.

The brown eyed baby shot his head up, staring at the closed door of his bedroom. His prison cell of a room was just a few paces down a hallway from the lounge; where each and every one of Felix's gang robots stood. In the middle of the den was Felix sitting on a wide throne-like chair, his legs spread as he watched over everything. The only exits on the 200th floor of the hotel building was the elevator or the window which below was a dark rapid sea, surviving that would be a miracle.

Escape was only a dream.

"Daniel!" His new leader barked causing a bone-chilling shiver to travel up Dan's spine. He backed away, glaring at the door in front of his face readying himself for someone to come bursting through.

A loud sigh came from Felix. He then leaned over the arm of his chair, a smirk of power tying up his lips. "Brendon, would you please get the puppy out here."

Brendon, one of the many members of Felix's gang, nodded in agreement. He swiftly stepped toward Dan's bedroom, his eyes seemingly blank as no emotion was displayed on his face.

The white chipped door instantly swung open, Dan trembled and immediately fought against the forceful man. "No," He hit his heels against his bed frame staring at his inevitable fate with wide glossy optics. "No! No please! Not like th-this!"

Brendon easily in one motion picked up the now kicking Dan as he tried to do everything in his power to be let go. Screaming at this point, Dan used his hands to push his body away from Brendon's shoulder, arching his back in the process. Out of nowhere, Dan slashed his nails against Brendon's eye evoking a strong bellow in pain from him.

Brendon then shoved Dan to the floor, his face scrunched up in a contorted angle as he shoved his hand into his left eye.

Everyone in the penthouse shifted their attention to Brendon while Dan scooted away on his backside, feeling self-conscious as he felt the ten pairs of eyes wonder over him like some toy.

"This little shit!" Brendon growled, pulling his hand away from his eye, blood now seeped through his fingers and his vision disappeared in three seconds.

Felix instantly laughed, watching Brendon now bleed. "You're a tough little shit aren't you?" He says moving his gaze to Dan.

Dan got up from the floor and tried to dart back into his room but men blocked the hallway making him back up; frightened to death. Ignoring his own pain, Brendon wrapped two arms around Dan's torso. He dragged him back in front of Felix forcing him kneel, the leader's smirk twisting in spirals.

Felix jumped up and out of his chair, now standing in front of the helpless boy as he stayed on his knees in utter defeat. "What a show," He smiled placing his hands on his hips tilting his head at Dan. "Awh, helpless little Daniel," He taunted, walking in circles around him. "All alone, scared—" Felix swiftly grabs Dan's chin lifting it up gruffly. "Pathetic." He smiled showing his fangs.

Dan slowly shifted his chin out of Felix's grasp, dodging his eyes breathing heavily through his nose. "What do you want from me?" He asked, gazing up at Felix, revenge now starting to build up in his eyes.

"I never had someone submit to me, willingly before—"

"I'm not willing—" Dan whispered under his breath causing Felix to snap his head towards him.

Felix then shrank down to Dan's level, bending his knees, grabbing Dan's chin when the little didn't look up in time. "Sweetheart, this is your normal now? Get used to it." He commanded shortly, standing back up.

Felix's breath made chills travel through him but Dan stayed still on his knees, too scared to move and to scared to run. The little tightened his grip on the bottom of the blue fabric, Phil's gold ring causally reflecting off sunlight instantly catching Felix's eye.

"Ah? What's this?" He swooped up Dan's wrist, inspecting his left finger. "An engagement ring? Oh no, I've seen him wear this everywhere it's his grandma's heirloom—"

Dan used every ounce of strength to rip away cutting Felix off in mid sentence. He curled his left hand into a fist covering his ring with his other palm. "Do not touch me."

A wolfish grin pulled up his lips. Easily, Felix yanked him up by his wrist so they were eye level. "I can do whatever I want sweet cheeks," He dropped Dan to the floor with a thud. "And there's nothing you can do about it."

Dan's heart skipped beats as Felix's eyes were still glued to his ring. The tall man stuck out his arm gesturing with his fingers. "Give it here, baby."

His eyes suddenly become glass-like. "No.."

"Daniel, give it to me."

"No! Leave me alone!" He screamed letting tears drip from his hazelnut orbs, he stayed in his spot though, witnessing Felix stand up straighter.

He cocked his head and rolled his shoulders. He then snapped his look towards an unknown man, alternating his head side to side trying to decide Dan's fate. "I think..I think we need a reminder on who he belong to now."

Dan gasped quietly, his salty raindrops now skiing off his face. "Wh-What?"

Felix snapped his fingers, alerting his gang members to come forward.

Dan stared up at his leader, feeling pathetic as he asked. "A-A remind—!"

Suddenly, a soaked rag was placed over his nose and mouth. The same whirl in his stomach started up again from the night before making something inside him start to fight.

It didn't last long.

Um? Sub to pewds? ;)

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