i. | iconic ferris wheel

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Important announcement at the end, well it's not that important but I so suggest you to read it. Happy reading!


"Let's get lost." He pulls me towards the crowd of people coming and going.


We've been walking for a few minutes, before seeing a vintage music shop. He pulls me towards the shop like a little kid, which makes me chuckle. The little bell rings as we entered the shop. It was empty, no one was here except a worker and a one women who was a paying for her items.

He pulls me towards the guitar, picking one up he plays a melody. "Play me a song." I request, sitting on one of the couches they provide. He sits next to me, "What song?"

"Any song, I just want to hear you sing." He nods playing a different melody than he played before. "Sunrise with you on my chest, No blinds in the place where I live." He hums the tune. He then continues to sing, "Found love but I was wrong. More times than enough. But since you came along. I'm thinking baby you."

He sings a few more lines before abruptly stopping. I looked at him confused, "Sorry but that's all I have so far."

"Wait, you wrote this song." I was shocked, shocked that even if it wasn't finished It sounded great. "Yeah, kind of came up with it in the moment." He shrugs like it was nothing.

"You are amazing." He then blushes, his cheeks turning a light pink. "I mean, you are really talented, you have a great voice and you play the guitar really good."

"Thank you, but what about you. What are your talents?" He asks as he puts the guitar back to where he got it, then returning back to where he was sitting.

"Photography, I love it." Grabbing his hand, I begin to play with it, seeing his swallow tattoo. "My mom had a friend, who's a photographer. That's how it all started, I begged my mom for a camera and she got me one." He intertwined our fingers together as I continued to tell him about my love for photography.


Not aware of the time, the worker comes up to us, "Sorry, but we're about to close." I look at his name tag, Darren. "Okay, thank you." I look to the boy next to me, he nods and helps me up, our hands still together. We walked out and continued to walk, "Are you hungry?" He pulls me to a local cafe.

"I'll order, what do you want?" I look at the board which displays all types of drinks and meals. I quickly decided before telling him. "How about you get a seat, while I wait in line."

He releases his hand from mines, as I turn to walk towards a booth in the back of the cafe. As I wait I turn on my phone, seeing more text and miss calls from my mom. I also see a text from my manager. I decided to call my mom back, not wanting to worry her more than she already is.

She picks up on the first ring, her worried voice comes through the speaker. "Lani, where are you, I've been worried sick." I sigh, "Sorry mum. I'm not sure where I am, but I'll be home soon."

"You don't know where you are, Lani that worries me more. I want you home now." I sigh deeply not wanting to face my mom anytime soon. "Yes mum I know, I'm with someone, I'm fine.''

"You're with someone? Who?" She continues to ask more questions but I quickly cut her off. ''A friend ma, I gotta go he's here."

''He?'' I ended the call before she could ask anymore questions. He sets my iced coffee down and sandwich in front of me before sitting down. "Was that your mom?" He takes a bite of his own sandwich but still kept eye contact.

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