x. | young dicaprio

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It was true, Shawn was falling all in Jaylani. Since the day they met, getting lost in the city, spending hours together, it was hard not to fall in love with someone who treated you, like you. Jaylani was also falling in love with Shawn, they way he treated her, she knew he was the one.


Shawn opens his eyes only to close them as the blinding sunlight covers his face. A cool breeze enters making Shawn pull the covers closer to him, turning over to pull Jaylani closer to him, but she wasn't there.

He sits up to an empty room, the sliding doors were open, making the curtains flow gently in the air. He lifts up the pillow for his phone but only to find it on the floor, he quickly checks his notifications expected to see a message from Jaylani to see where she was, but there was none.

He sighs, doing a quick stretch before standing up and heading to the bathroom to get ready. He brushes his teeth and his hair before making his way downstairs. It was quiet too quiet for Shawns liking, usually the crew would be wide awake, buzzing with loudness at this time, but it was silent. Silent enough to hear a pin drop.

Shawn searches around for everyone but finds no one. He makes his way to the kitchen, making himself a cup of coffee. As he sips his coffee, he then realized that he hasn't checked the studio.

He enters the studio to see Jaylani in the booth, her soft angelic voice surrounds the whole room. The door closes loudly making everyone except Jaylani look towards Shawn.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake." Teddy says, signaling Shawn to come to them.

They continue to stand there in awe of Jaylani's voice. She finishes off with a high note, everyone claps and cheers making her blush as she exits the booth.

"I didn't know you could sing." Shawn walks to Jaylani and hugs her, "There's a lot of things that you don't know about me Mendes." Jaylani places her hand on Shawn's abs making him go back at the coldness of her hands.

"How long have you been awake?" Shawn asks as they exit the studio making their way back to their rooms. "Since 6 am, so I've been awake for 3 hours."

"How was your sleep?" Jaylani asks, opening the door and going the drawers which held their clothes. "It was good."

Jaylani nods picking out her clothes, accessories and makeup, putting her stuff in the bathroom. She then comes back, "Can I pick out your clothes?"

"Sure I guess so." Shawn lays back on their bed, going on Twitter. "When are you going back to London?"

Jaylani places Shawn's clothes on the bed, "After this I'm heading back."

Jaylani walks to the bathroom and turns on the shower as Shawn asks another question, "Why, can you just stay in Toronto with me?"

"No, I also have a life in London, I also still have school and fashion week is coming up." This makes Shawn groan, "I'm gonna miss you."

"Shawn I'm still here aren't I?" Jaylani chuckles before closing the bathroom door and stripping off her clothes. She enters the shower, and hot water streams down her body.

"Can I join you? You know, save water and time?" A smirk was evident in his voice. "Shawn you do that and you'll never live to see Emma Watson." Jaylani teases him before lathering soap all over her body.

Shawn scoffs, "I'll make sure you won't see Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Shawn get over it, young DiCaprio is hotter than you. Don't be butt hurt." Shawn hears the shower turn off and the door knob rattle, Jaylani opening the door, in one hand was her stuff and in the other held her towel from falling.

Shawn suddenly pushes her body against the wall, she squeals at his actions and holds her towel closer to her. "You really think I'm gonna believe that? Come on J, I know you know that I'm way hotter than DiCaprio."

His hot breath fans her neck making her shiver, her knees weaken as he leaves trails of kisses on her neck. He makes his way to her lips and kisses her roughly, before it could go any farther there was a knock on the door. They separate, trying to get their breathing back together

"Hurry up, we're leaving in 30." Mike yells across the closed door.

"Fine we'll be there soon." Shawn yells back. As soon as the sound of Mike's footsteps were no longer heard, Shawn leans forward to place his lips on Jaylani again. Jaylani places her hand in front of her stopping Shawn from kissing her, Shawn groans, "Babe we have 30 minutes."

"Yeah, 30 minutes for you to get ready and look hotter than Leo." Shawn scoffs, cockily, "Baby I only need 10."

"Which is why you should go now." Shawn pouts, before puckering his lips, "I'll go only if you give me a kiss."

"I'll give you a kiss once you finish getting ready." Jaylani walks towards the bed where she had laid her clothes, Shawn pulls her back.

"Come on just one kiss." Jaylani chuckles before giving him a small peck on his cheek.

Shawn does a little victory dance before entering the bathroom. While Shawn showered Jaylani changed then sat at the vanity than was in the room. Looking at herself in the mirror, she smiles at the previous events.

Never had they did anything like that, there was so much lust, it left her wanting even more of him. She finds herself digger her own grave, and she was enjoying it.


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