xv. | empty beds, broken hearts

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He scoffs, "Cry all you want, nobody's gonna care." Shawn walks off to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him and tugs at his brown curls, letting out a cry of frustration.


The morning sun had rose, waking up Shawn to an empty bed. Everything hit him, the incidence that had happened the night before.

Shawn lays there heartbroken and alone. At least now he can tell the whole world that Jaylani Mariee Rose broke his heart. "Great going Shawn, you knew that it wasn't going to work out in the beginning yet you went with it anyways, you just had to ask her out." Shawn thought.

The door creaks open, showing a tired Jaylani, her eyes were red and slightly swollen due to crying her whole night away. She was angry, not only at Shawn but also at Brian, how could he lie like that? At the same time, why would Shawn believe him. Shawn didn't even give her a chance to explain and that hurt her more.

Shawn looks up at her, just look back up at the ceiling. "Where have you been?"

"Why would you care?" Jaylani ask, not even looking at him.

"Just because we're over doesn't mean I still won't care for you."

Jaylani scoffs, "Really Shawn? Your words are really contradicting each other right now, so why should I believe you?"

Shawn sits up, facing Jaylani and watching her as she gathered her clothes for the day.

"Yeah? Well now you're making me not care."

"Well I wasn't really expecting you to care." Jaylani grabs her stuff before walking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. She couldn't stand talking to Shawn, now her heartbreak has been replaced with anger, and she didn't know how much she could take.

Once she had finished with her shower, she walks out still seeing Shawn on the bed. Now her feelings had changed from anger to heartbreak.

"Shawn." Her voice falters, "I didn't do -Brian is lying to you."

"Why don't you just leave?" Shawn scoffs, then laughs, "You know what's so funny? You say you don't want to be like the others but you're just the same."

Jaylani nods before walking out. They were truly over.


Shawn just had finished breakfast with the crew and they were on the way to the next stop. Walking inside the hotel room, it was quiet. Shawn looked around to see that all his bags were already packs, but Jaylani's stuff was gone.

He walked over to the pile of luggage next to his bed, expecting to see a note, but there was none.

"Hey Shawn let's go." Brian knocks on the open door. Shawn nods, before gathering his stuff in his hands.

He follows Brian down the corridor until making it to the end of the hall. They enter the lift in silence. Was Brian actually telling the truth or was Jaylani. Brian has been his best friend ever since middle school, but he had just met Jaylani a few months ago. Brian was always by his side, on the other hand Jaylani left him when they met, leaving him heartbroken.

Shawn was so hurt that last night he went to far with his anger, he knew she didn't deserve what he said, but it was just in the moment. He was too in love with Jaylani to lose her, but deep inside he knew that she wouldn't want to come back to him, at the same time, she really broke his heart.

"Shawn?" Shawn looks up to see Brian waving a hand in front of him. "I thought I lost you for a moment. Come on."

It was crazy how a few days ago they were so in love, well that's what Shawn thought it was. Maybe she didn't really love him and it was all a lie, it was a game, a game of 'make Shawn fall in love with me, then get with his best friend'. It was funny how the world works these days, one moment you'll be building your own bridge, only for it to crash and burn.

They walked out of the lift, Shawn still lost in his thoughts not even realizing that, his fans were calling for him.

"Sorry guys, Shawn's not doing well today. I hope you all understand." They all get in the bus riding to their next stop.


Sorry for the short chapter, it's just a filler. It's funny how I'll be active for one week and then I'll be gone for a week or two. Anyways this book is coming to the end.

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