iii. | with me

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So this will be in third person point of view cause I felt like it, Oh well.


I'm falling for him, hard, and I don't even know his name.


He had just finished performing, sweat running down his face, the crowd going wild. Crowd, in the crowd was a brunette, a camera in hand making her way backstage. He didn't know that she was going to be there, she didn't know that he was there.

As soon she steps backstage she is met with a familiar presence, Josiah, someone who was a mentor to her as she started in photographer.

She looks up in a wide grin, Josiah doing the same except he had to look down since Jaylani was a few inches shorter.

"Hey kiddo, when was the last time I've seen you." He chuckles.

"Maybe a few years, I don't know. It's been a while." She shrugs, laughing.

While the two where catching up, a tall browned eyed boy hands his guitar to one of his crew members. He makes his way to Josiah, seeing that he had company his heart starts to beat faster, realizing it was someone he would never see again.

Questions filled his head, wonder why she was here.

"I've heard you've been a photographer for a singer these past years." Jaylani was about to continue, but Josiah interrupts. "Yeah and he's heading this way." He points, making her look.

Her heart quickens as she realizes one thing, something that she felt stupid for not realizing any sooner. She had fallen in love with Shawn Mendes.

They both make eye contact, that night coming back to them.

Weeks after she had forgotten all about that night, forgotten the face that she fell in love with, while that was all he was dreaming of. He longed to she her again, but he at the same time he didn't want to, he was hurt after all. She did leave him, but he didn't know that it also hurt her.

"So you're the Jaylani Mariee, no wonder you said I'll never get any privacy with you."


"You were amazing." Jaylani hugs him as he came off the stage.

"Thank you." He mumbles, his lips on her head. They enjoyed the moment until Isabel came to praise him for his wonderful performance.

"You were great, I would love for you to come back the next time we have an open mic." This makes the two separate, Jaylani's heart dropping as she remembers that he was meant to leave the next day.

"Yeah I would love to, but I don't think I'm coming back anytime soon. I'll try and if I do, I'll make sure to come here and perform." He notices Jaylani's mood change, which causes him to finally say bye to Isabel, pulling her to their booth.

"You want to head out now?" He asked as he grabbed both of their jackets, giving Jaylani hers.

She nods, wondering why she was feeling sad over a boy that she had just met a few hours ago. They did get along well and got closer over those few hours, making them both feel like they've known each other.

As they both walk out, he walks closer to her reaching out to hold her hand. He longed to feel the comfort of her hand again, but she moves her hand into her pockets avoiding his. He knew she was avoiding him but he didn't know why.

There was an awkward tension in the air as they walked back to the train station. They sat at a bench, Jaylani at one end and him at the other leave about two feet in between them.

It was 3 in the morning and the next train back to London didn't come until 5. "You know we still have about 2 hours left before the next train comes we should stop being awkward."

This makes Jaylani stand up from the bench, his eyes immediately on her. "Or maybe we shouldn't." The tone of her voice worrying him.

He was beyond confused at her actions, one minute she was fine and the next she was different. He wondered if he had done something wrong, which he needed to find out.

"Did I do something?" This makes her chuckle, she held back tears knowing what she was about to say next was not only going to hurt him but it was also going to hurt herself.

"No you didn't do anything wrong." Jaylani looks around, keeping her gaze of him. Guilty of what she's gonna do.

"Then why are you acting like this? Please tell me because you're really confusing me right now." He says slightly annoyed not at her but at himself. He could tell there was something wrong, it was killing him not to know, but it would definitely kill him once he knows.

He fell for her in those short hours that they spent together. He didn't want this night to end but eventually it was going to.

"It's not you bu-" She get cut off by him. "But it's me right?" He finishes her sentences.

"Why can't you tell me, I thought this whole night was to get to know each other more." He says hurt because she couldn't trust him enough. The thing was she did trust him, and that was the problem.

Jaylani was falling for a stranger, a person she had just met.

"It is but I think we should end the night here. We should just forget about each other, this was only meant for one night." Her voice, her words were like venom to him. It had hurt him to know the truth.

Dramatic right? Yeah, but he had grew so fond of her, it would hurt to lose her, even as a friend. She was somebody who he could trust, who treated him normally.

"Why? Why can't we just be friends." He was desperate to get the answer to his question.

"Because with me, you'll never get the privacy you want." She turns around, leaving him more confused than before.

As she walks away, she expects him to chase after her. She longs for someone to fight for her, but that wasn't going to happen tonight. He was to hurt at their previous conversation to even chase her. He knew if he did he would end up getting more hurt.

He sat there, replaying her words in his head, with me you'll never get the privacy you want.


WOW. What a chapter am I right? Right now I don't have the confidence to post this chapter cause it seems so dramatic, ha, but you knoow what. Imma be a bad bitch and post it. Thanks for all the support! I love you all, and don't forget that I'm here if you ever need me, my pm's is open all the time. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- A 🌻

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