ii. | isabel

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This chapter is really gonna suck because I can not write, even if my life depends on it.


We climbed on the fence, but once our feet hit the ground it was already to late. We've been caught.


"Stop right there." We look at each other with eyes wide open. He grabs a hold on my hand, then runs. As we ran, the cool wind blew against us, making me feel more alive than ever. I looked back seeing that they were gone, "Hey we should slow down." He slows down, before turning to me, chuckling once he sees that I was out of breathe.

"You okay there?" I nod, before checking where we were. We were back at the train station. "That was something." He refers to the recent event that had happened.

"Haven't done something so rebellious in so long." I admitted. "Miss doing things like this, just having fun and feeling so free." I twirl, closing my eyes just enjoying the moment. "This may be one of the best nights I ever had."

"I understand, sometimes you just want to live your own fantasies, not wanting to go back to reality." I feel his stare on me as I continued to slowly twirl. I stop, "Okay there, I didn't need you to go all poetic on me."

"Yes I didn't need to but I did." He shoots back. "We really need to work on your comebacks." I say to him, he then pouts and puts his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt. I laugh moving towards him, grabbing his hands on mines, "Let's dance."

"Dance to what, there's no music." I take out my phone, playing a random song. "You're serious right." He laughs at my choice of music. "If you know any better music then be my guess." I say putting my phone in his hands.

He hands my phone back, "No its fine, it's just that this song isn't really danceable to, and I'm not a great dancer."

"Oh we'll be fine, we'll manage." I pull him closer to me as we danced to the music, our laughter echoing throughout the empty train station.


After an hour or less he stops dancing, "All this dancing has made me hungry, let's check if there's an open cafe nearby." With his arms around me and the music still playing, we swayed for a few minutes before walking to find a cafe.

"Didn't we just eat a few hours ago," I asked. "Yes but that was a few hours ago and that was just a sandwich. I get hungry easily." He puts his hands up in defense. "I mean you are a giant, how about we just get a proper dinner." I suggest, looking up at him for approval.

"Okay, lead the way." I grab his arm pulling him towards a small late diner. We entered immediately, hit with the smell of food and soft music.

I look around seeing a small amount of people scattered around the diner, some by themselves and others in groups. We seat at a booth the farthest from the entrance and away from most of the people. The waiter comes handing us both menus before telling us that she'll be back in a few minutes to take our order.

"So much for a proper meal." He looks up from the menu once he saw that it mostly consist of burgers and other fast food meals. "You're right, but this place looked lovely. I just wanted to check it out. I mean we could leave if you want."

"No, no this is fine." He interrupts me from continuing. I nod, looking back at my menu, this leaves us in an awkward silence. The waiter comes back, cutting the tension. "So are you ready to order." She looks between us, I speak up telling her my order.

After she takes our order she walks away with our menus in our hands. I look around, noticing that they have an open mic. "I'll be back real quick, don't eat without me."

"Hey, can I sign-up my friend for your open mic." I ask the waitress who waited us. "Yes, but are you sure he's just your friend."

"Excuse me?" I was confused on what she meant and needed clarification. "The way he looks at you, seems like he sees you more than a friend." I take in what she had said, before I could walk off she stops me, "While you're here, you might as well take your order back with you.

"Of course," Taking our order, I walk back, her words still lingering in my mind. "Where were you?" His face showing concern, making me forget what she had said. "Sorry, I was talking to the waitress about something." The thought resurface, but I shake it away giving him my full attention.


The waitress, Isabel, whom was also the owner of the small, cozy diner comes up to us, "the stage is ready." She winks at me. I pull him up, "Where are we going?" He asks, "Are we leaving already?" He asks many other questions before leading him up to the side of the small stage, handing him one of the spare guitars that Isabel had provided.

"No, I thought this day was about being normal." He gently shoves the guitar in my hands. "It's not day is it? Now go up there and show them what you got rockstar." I smirk at him before giving him a playful push towards the stage.

I turn around taking a seat near the stage, he then start strumming a melody, a small smile on his lips. The spotlight hitting his face softly, making his skin glow. He starts singing, his gentle voice filling the diner. The song sounding so familiar but I couldn't really put a name on it.

I look up to see him staring straight at me, the whole world stopping suddenly, like it was just the two of us. He smiles wide, our eyes still on each other, each strum matches my heartbeat. Now I knew what Isabel meant, maybe he wasn't falling for me, maybe it's the other way around.

I'm falling for him, hard, and I don't even know his name.


I hate this chapter, but oh well, I'm too lazy to fix it. I hate filler chapters, especially when I have many ideas in mind but I have no ability to write it. As I said, I was really busy last week to even update and that I couldn't update this week, but here it is. It's here because I felt the need to update even if I said I would not have a certain time to update, but I'm me and I just needed too. Anyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed, even if I really didn't, sucks to be me.

- A 🌻

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