xvi. | fix you

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You know how I said that you should play your sad playlist, well I never said to turn if off, but if you did you might wanna turn it back on -- I recommend in my blood or fix you. Let's just say you are free to hate me for this chapter.


They walked out of the lift, Shawn still lost in his thoughts not even realizing that, his fans were calling for him.

"Sorry guys, Shawn's not doing well today. I hope you all understand." They all get in the bus riding to their next stop.


As Jaylani walks through the hall, it became eerily quiet, the only sound was her clicking against the marble floors. Ever since the break up and Jaylani came back, taking over her mother's place, the place has been very gloomy. It wasn't as bright as it was before.

Jaylani had changed and everyone was afraid of what she had become, a stone cold person. Never smiled, never laughed, she was someone else.

"Here's the paper that you requested for." Her assistant, Malory, hands her a manila folder, containing a few papers. Malory's hand shakes as Jaylani reaches for it. Jaylani leaves Malory's desk, entering her office, that was a few feet away.

Her office overlooks the city of London, the buildings below looking small due to the height of the building. She sighs, taking a seat at her desk. By now she would have been blasting music out loud, but like I said, Jaylani Mariee Rose had changed.

Minutes of just sitting at her desk doing nothing, her phone buzzed. She accepts it and Malory's small, shaky voice comes through the intercom. "Ms. Rose there's someone here for you, says his name is Josiah?"

Suddenly Jaylani was frozen, confused to why after a month of no communication, Josiah comes out of nowhere. Nonetheless, Shawn could have told them what had happened and they could've hate her.

"Ms. Ro-, sorry, Lani?"

"Sorry Mal, did he say what he needs?" Jaylani asks.

"No, but he did say it was very important and urgent. Shall I send him in?" Jaylani watched the red light of her office phone blink on and off as Malory waited for her response. What could Josiah possibly want? Why after a month?

"Send him in." Jaylani lets go of the intercom button, ending the call.

The double doors open, Josiah walking through. "Hey lani." Hes says awkwardly.


"Look I how thing went down and I'm very sorry for not contacting you, but I believe you. It just doesn't make sense on to why Shawn wouldn't believe you, but I do." Jaylani nods, not showing any emotions.

"Forgive me for that. I should have talked to you-" Josiah rambles on and on before Jaylani cuts him off, "Josiah."

"Yeah?" Josiah stops, looking at Jaylani as she breaks into a big smile. "It's fine, it's not like you're the one at fault here."

Jaylani walks around her desk, making her way to Josiah and giving him a tight hug. "I honestly thought you were going to kick me out."

"Of course not!" Jaylani exclaims, chuckling. It had been the first time in a month that she gave a genuine smile to someone.

Josiah releases her from the hug, before nervously looking around. "We sort of have a problem and we really need you."

"Why do you need me for this problem?"

"Just come with me please." Jaylani nods before grabbing her stuff, then was pulled out the door.


Josiah pulls up in front on a tall hotel, getting out and giving his keys to the valet, then opening the door for Jaylani. Fans who were waiting for Shawn notice Jaylani and became excited, they didn't know about the breakup. No one really knew, well except for close friends and family.

They wave to Jaylani, asking for a picture, but before Jaylani could say anything, Josiah interferes, "Sorry guys but we're in a rush."

Josiah pulls Jaylani into the hotel, then to the lift. Not even letting her speak on to why she was her and why it was such a rush. As soon as the bell rung Josiah pulls Jaylani out of the lift, not even waiting for it to open all the way.

Nearing their destination, Jaylani could hear screams and glass shattering.

Now in front of the door that separated them from the disaster, Jaylani's eyes widen realizing that it was Shawn screaming. Jaylani quickly opens the door, the scene unraveling before her.

Shawn was right in front of her yelling at Brian. The team surrounds them both not knowing what to do.

"You fucking lied to me. I can't believe you would do that." Shawn yells, his face reddening. "I trusted you."

"You told me she came on you, when the truth was that you forced her to." Shawn steps closer to Brian.

"You're my best friend, you were my best friend."

"Shawn I did it because I realized what I did was a mistake, and if you knew, it would have ruined our friendship." Shawn scoffs.

"Why did you even do it in the first place?" Brian stays quiet, making Shawn turns around in frustration. "Why!"

Grabbing the closest objects near him and throwing them around. "Just tell me why!"

"Because I love her!" Brian shouts over Shawn and the room became quiet. "Because I love her."

Shawn charges towards Brian, grabbing him by the shirt. Brian's body collides with the wall behind him, making him grunt at the impact. Shawn realizes what he did, before dropping Brian, turning around and walking away.

"She was telling me the truth." Shawn says, "I should have believed her."

"I hurt her, she's never going to believe me."

"I hurt her. I called her a slut, I say things that I don't even mean."

"I hurt her." Shawn whispers. Suddenly Shawn collapses on the floor and starts sobbing, and yelling.

Nobody moves, Brian lays beside the wall.

"I fucking hurt her, It's all my fucking fault."

Shawn stands up, angrily punching the wall. He grabs his very first guitar, his Taylor guitar. About to smash it on the ground, Jaylani quickly rushes over, taking a hold of his wrist. Shawn stops, his heart quickening, realizing that she was there.

He quickly turns around, wrapping his arms around her. "I'm so sorry."

"I don't know why I didn't believe you."

"I should have believed you."

"I just ignored you, I got angry, I hurt you."

"I so fucking sorry."

"I'll do anything for you to forgive me."

"Anything. Just please, please."

Shawn sobs into Jaylani. His heart was truly in pain, he couldn't take it anymore. If Jaylani didn't come he didn't know if he was going to be able to handle himself. "Hey, It's gonna be okay."

"You're going to be fine." She runs her hands through his hair, trying to calm him down.

"I'm so sorry." He says finally calmed down.


In honor of In my blood's first birthday, here's you update. I'll be going to London tonight so I don't know when I'll be updating, but I'll try to write while on the plane or something. Also I'd like to thank you all for the 2k reads, 321 votes, I love you all!

Vote, Comment, you do you!


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