Part 5

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The four of us made our way down to the great hall together. We had concentrated so much time on getting my computer settled, we forgot about my phone. That was alright, we had a few days before the craziness started.

The great hall was filled with lots of students already. I felt sorry for Marek. He had girls pounding for his attention. He was like the hottest guy in the room by the look of all the girls' reaction to him coming in. He just pulled me closer which caused the girls to frown and talk to their neighbors.

We got to the center of one of the four long tables for the students. Nathan's counterpart Danielle smiled as she stood up and hugged him. She turned to us and gestured for us to sit with them in the open seats.

"So how do you all like the school thus far?" She asked chirpily as Nathan took her hand on the table. You could tell their bond was already strong. That they were a great combo. Nathan could be cocky, but he was hers.

"This place is beyond amazing." I said.

"Definitely. I can't wait to start classes myself." Franklin agreed.

We all chatted as people started to file in wearing uniforms and carrying trays of food. They must be servants that work here. Now this was posh. I'll definitely have to get used to this kind of living for the time I'm here. To be served everyday for meals instead of serving them, totally new.

Franklin sat across the table from he and he smirked. "Feels weird doesn't?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Are they brother and sister?" Danielle asked Nathan.

He shook his head. "Nah. They've just known each other for forever."

"Oh." She responded to him before turning to Franklin. "Why would this feel weird for Hope?"

"She's a scholarship case." Franklin grinned then ducked as I threw a piece of a bread at his head. "Awe. You upset Hopeless."

"That is quite enough." I swallowed seeing the stern woman standing behind Franklin with her arms crossed. I take it that she if the Headmistress. "Obviously you haven't read the pamphlet carefully. Here, all students are equal no matter status outside of these walls. I warn you to never speak of another student in such a way."

Franklin bowed his head and nodded. "Yes ma'am."

"Very good. I will forget this ever happened as you see to it that this never happens again. I wish all my students to enjoy their time in this school." She glanced at me with a wink before she turned on her heels and went to the long table at the end of the great hall.

The table she went to was the professor's table. The one on a platform. With the giant stain glass windows behind it that had different scenes. The one with the center attention in the room.

When she was gone, everyone in our group started to nervously laugh except for me and Franklin. I felt sorry for him getting in trouble like that. I wouldn't have said anything to anyone for him messing with me.

There was a hush that went through the room as if someone flipped a switch to turn the sound off. Everyone looked up to the front table with all the teachers. The headmistress was standing up and slowly looked around the room.

"Welcome students to the first day of welcoming the new students to our beloved school. It is wonderful to see so many new faces already getting alone with those returning to us. For the next two days, the rest of the students will be returning and you all will get to meet even more students.

"Use this time to mingle and take a trip to town with your escorts and new friends. They will show you places they have been and where to get what you need. We have chosen these escorts for you as we believed you were compatible with them and would find an instant friend in them.

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