Part 29

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Chapter 29

The days seemed to slip by before I knew it. We only had two days before Christmas. Marek had asked me if he could take me out. Just the two of us. He wanted to take me out on our first date. Our first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend. I liked the thought of that very much and agreed.

Marek had to declare our date to everyone so they wouldn't seize us beforehand. His cousins were so cute yet they insisted we do everything with them. We've made gingerbread houses, well mansions with them. We've sang songs. Chased them about the garden. Even finished decorating the tree with them. His cousins were relentless when it came to do things.

My family Christmas was always a bit boring. I'd usually find a spot to sit and read for most of the time. My mom was usually chatting with some friends about nothing and everything. My brothers on the TV or the only computer we had. My stepdad out in the garage tinkering if he was there. Nothing like this kind of spending time with each other.

Marek had declared at lunch. Said that we needed our alone time. That after lunch, we were heading out. He was keeping his plans for our date a secret. He wanted to surprise me. I loved how cute he gets when he is up to anything secretive.

Lunch was full of his family trying to get him to slip on what he had planned. But Marek was stead fast in his ability to not give a single thing away that he didn't want to. All I knew was to dress warmly for the first thing he had planned. He also said no dresses.

And after lunch I did as he suggested. I dressed warmly in my jeans and sweater. I even put on my wool long coat. I know I can heat myself up, but I wanted to be a little normal on our date. Just me and Marek doing what he had planned for us. I even put on some cute snow boots I found when we went shopping last with Danielle and everyone. I was all warm and cozy.

I met Marek at the front door and he smiled. He too was dressed the same as me. Even wearing snow boots but ones meant for a guy. His black wool coat wasn't the long kind like mine, but one that stopped at his hips.

He held out his hand. "Excited?"

I smiled at him and nodded. "Nervous too."

His smile went wider. "Me too."

He was about to take me out when his mom shouted from the parlor next to the entrance. "Wait! I want a picture!"

I heard Marek silently groan as he turned to me. "You don't mind do you?"

I bit my lip and shook my head. I didn't mind one bit as I loved his mom's excitement. That she liked at he and I were together. That she wanted to take a picture of this moment. Of our first date though no one realizes that that is what this is.

She and Marek's aunt awe at the picture. Marek takes the opportunity to whisk us away from the gushing woman. He's chuckling as he opens the passenger door to the sports car that was parked in the driveway.

His dad smiled as I got in. When the door was closed, his dad walked with him around the car to talk with him a moment. Marek was nodding and replying to him. I was only slightly curious as to what they were talking about. Whatever it was, his dad slipped something into Marek's hand and Marek put it in to his pocket.

Marek got in and started the car. "Here we go." He said as he pulled out from his home and down the long drive to the road.

Twenty minutes later, he was parking the car in the parking lot to a stadium like building. I stared at it curiously as he got out and came around to my side the car. He helped me out, but didn't say a thing as we walked up to it.

It wasn't till we were inside that I found out where we were. An iceskating rink. There was even manufactured snow on the ground leading up to the booth. A faux grass path lead the way to the booth.

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