Part 37

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Chapter 37

The next day was a bit too quiet as everyone else was in class. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't bored as I continued work on my last paper for history, but I was getting lonely quickly. Thankfully I had a television and games I could play.

Before I knew it, the bell for lunch was ringing. By the time I was able to get up from my spot on the floor, there was a knock on my door before it opened. Marek smiled as he came in with Nathan right behind him.

I didn't find out until we were starting on our way up to my room from the infirmary that my hip had the biggest bruise of all. Walking and moving around was a bit of a pain. It made moving take twice as long.

Marek smiled as he came over. "Hey. You hungry?"

I giggled. "Yes I am."

He bent down and in a swift movement lifted me up into his arm. The moment I was comfortable, my face went scarlet. My stomach decided to voice just how hungry I was.

Both guys chuckled. "You must have worked yourself up for lunch." Marek stated as we started out of my room. He raised an eyebrow at me. "What have you been doing while we were in class?"

I giggled. "I finished my paper for history, but I still need to double check it. Mostly I just played a video game."

He smiled more as he walked. "I'm glad your acting more like a normal teen."

I giggled. "It was bound to happen with Nathan around."

They laughed. "She is right. I can corrupt the most innocent and pure of lovelies." Nathan said winking at me. I giggled at him.

We got to the great hall and everyone was asking how I was. They all had heard what happened. Some couldn't believe that happened. Many were asking so many questions about it all.

Thankfully Theo came and rescued us when he came in to the great hall to join his wife. "Alright now. Let her get something to eat. All your questions can be answered another time." He gave me a wink and continued on.

Everyone dispersed and we managed to get to our part of the table. Lunch was very enjoyable as I wasn't asked millions of questions. But I had one. How was Professor Gilliett?

Franklin frowned at me. "We've been he's not coming back for the rest of the year. That he needs time to cope with what happened. There's even talk as to him leaving and never coming back."

I looked down and felt so sad. A little guilty too. It was because of me this happened to both of us. If I hadn't been here, he wouldn't have been possessed by a dark spirit from my family's past. He wouldn't have been forced to do things he found wrong.

Marek lifted my head up. His hand came up and he gently brushed a wayward tear that fell from my eye. "I know your blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault. Nor was it his."

I shook my head. "But it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't here."

He put both his hands in my cheeks to prevent me from shaking my head. "Cedric would have found someone else then. He would have tried to find some other person to try and take over. He's been looking. What happened was all his doing and no one else's."

I nodded but still felt responsible. He pulled me over and hugged me. I knew he knows that I still felt as if it were my fault. He just wasn't going to argue with me right now. Everything did just happen just last night. He was feeling that I just needed a little bit of time to cope with what happened.


A week passed and there was still quite a bit of speculation whether Professor Gilliett was going to continue to be the school's Elements Professor. Some of my classmates were feeling like he wasn't going to continue. That they had seen him and that they couldn't convince him to stay. But he did tell them that he was still debating it with himself.

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