Part 27

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Chapter 27

Marek rubbed my shoulders. "You'll be fine. They'll like you a lot already. Just don't be nervous."

My hands twisted around each other as the chauffeured car made it's way down the road. "I can't help being nervous. It's your family. I don't want to do anything wrong and have them remember that every time they see me."

He rubbed my shoulders more trying to calm me. But this was more than nerves. It was Christmas. Christmas with Marek's family.

Last week I was in formed that my mom decided to go away for the holiday and only could afford to take my brothers with her. That they were going down to Florida to spend Christmas there.

Marek had called his family and his mom was all too happy to 'demand' I stay with them for Christmas. That they would be delighted to have Marek's counterpart enjoy their hospitality. That they had so many fun holiday things planned.

I was more than fine with it. That was until I saw the guy in a chauffeur's cap holding a sign with my name on it. Marek smiled up at him. The man introduced himself as Joe. Marek's family chauffeur for many long years. The guy was very friendly. He was the one with the idea for the sign as a cute touch.

When I saw Joe in his formal driver's outfit, I knew Marek was from serious money. That was what brought my nervous out. I was coming from a poor family and was now meeting a wealthy family at their home. How could I not be nervous.

I had asked Marek about my outfit I think ten times and my hair about twenty. Marek had smiled and said I was gorgeous. That there was nothing to be nervous about. He's had to tell me that over and over again as we rode in the town car.

"Hope." Marek whispered into my ear as I felt his fingers caress my cheek. I looked at him and he smiled. "There's nothing to be nervous about. You're perfect the way you are."

I smiled shyly up at him. "I know, but..."

He chuckled as he put his finger over my lips stopping me. "No buts. Just relax and have fun."

I giggled and it sounded nervous. "I'll try for you."

He kissed my forehead. "Good." Then his eyes lit up. "We're here." He pointed ahead of us.

I followed his direction and my eyes bulged out. This wasn't a home we were going to. It was a frigging mansion. Half the size of the school, but still it was huge. It even had the castle look to it similar to the school, the the stone was more of the white stone than the dark stone of the school.

Joe pulled us around to the front door. He jumped out and was there at the passenger door opening it. Marek had to nudge me to make me move. I was still gawking at the place.

The front door opened as I placed a foot on the ground. I saw two guys jog to the trunk of the car as I stood up. Marek stepped out and stirred me to the front door where his parents stood smiling at us.

I was very happy that I wasn't injured any longer. The potion that the school nurse had given me accelerated my healing by a hundred times. By the next morning, I was fully healed. The sling came off and no pain. My doctor from the hospital came by and inspected the results.

I found out then that he had gone to school there. That he had magic too. That's how he knew about the school and it's real history. He was proud to come to the school to check up on me like that. To make sure nothing had gone amiss when I took the healing tonic.

Marek squeezed my waist lightly. He was reassuring me. I smiled up at him in thanks. I like that it was almost think we were one mind sometimes. That I didn't have to say a thing for him to know what was going on in my head. For him to know anything about my feelings.

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