Part 33

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Chapter 33

Once a week I've been having my practice sessions with Professor Gilliett. He is constantly amazed by my ability and skill. I found out through my studying that Light is mostly what we visually see. And the part of my 'dream' world turned out to be made up of a flower garden. I've explored it at length even outside of the sessions.

After lessons in Light, we worked in Life. Marek had told me that he had used life to make the roots move in the battles. He combined Life with his Earth. Professor Gilliett told me I could combined Life with either Fire or Water and make them become creatures.

I was reading in my books that the combination of my three advanced elements could be combined with say Fire and I could create a living creature. Melerick had told me that that's how he made his phoenix. But did warn me not to make it just yet if I was planning on making my own. He said that I should finish my studies first. I pouted a little at him.

Zander has been trying to be my friend more. He's gotten the message not to try and kiss me, even on the cheek. He also found out that Marek and I were a couple. He was sad, but understood. He said he was happy for me, but I saw that he wished he was the one to be my boyfriend.

Over the weekend, I was literally dragged from store to store by Danielle and Zera. We were dress hunting for today. If you haven't guessed it yet. Today is Valentine's Day. They wanted to get a dress to wow the guys. To make their jaws dropped. It had taken hours to find what they call the right dresses.

This morning I woke to my room filled with flowers. White rose pedals were sprinkled over my bedding. Marek. Tulips and orchids filled my room. And not everything was from Marek. Zander had sent flowers along with several other guys.

Xan and Ricky were funny. They had sent a twin topiary that twisted around itself. Tiny little white flowers with red veins scattered around it. They had created it together. Combining their elements to produce something so cute and sweet.

During the day, I've been getting cards and little trinkets like other girls. Since it was Saturday, we don't have anything to do but be showered like this by the guys. They'd either surprise us and gives us girls presents or mist them in front of us if they were too shy.

Tonight there would be another social dance. I've gotten quite used to them now. The etiquette around them. The changing from one dance partner to the next. The formality of dancing for the first two hours and then the fun of modern dancing afterwards.

Right now Danielle was holding me hostage in my own bathroom. She was sculpting my hair into the perfect frock in her opinion for my outfit. Her hair already have been done. I was the last to be primed and completed.

She moved back and tilted her head to the side. A smile stretched across her face. "There. Perfect."

She slowly turned me around and I gasped. "Danielle. You're a genius."

My hair had a few braids going up into a French twist. Curls flowed out the top and down to my shoulders. The braids cris-crossed over the twist to secure it. A few of the tiny white flowers that was on Xan and Ricky's topiary rested along the top of the crossing braids in my twist.

Danielle smiled more. "I know I'm good."

She left and I slipped my gown on. My dress was a white gown with red appliqués cascading down from the top of the gown to be sparingly at the bottom. The dress is a bit fuller than others I've worn, but not as full as a ball gown. The back of the gown was slightly gathered so that there was a bit of a train.

I put on the gloves Danielle said I needed to wear with the dress before I put the bracelet Marek gave me on. The only time I haven't worn the bracelet was during any class that had physical activity. I didn't want it damaged or lost.

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