Part 7

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When we returned to the school, we had just enough time to get our bags in our rooms and freshen up before dinner. On the way back I told Marek that the headmistress wanted to see me after dinner. He asked if I wanted him with me. I told him that I don't know and would think about it over dinner.

I decided to change into one of my dresses that I bought today. This one was an empire waisted dress that had a knee length skirt. The straps that went around my neck came together at the center front and continued down to the hem of my skirt. There was a beaded band around my high waist. The whole dress was a ruby maroon.

I looked at myself in the mirror and loved the play with my light golden sandy hair and icy blue eye. I added a little make up that I had to finish off my look. Just massacre, eye shadow, and light sheer lip gloss.

I met up with Danielle at the stairwell as she came down from the floor above me. She stopped at the sight of me and her jaw literally dropped to the floor. "Oh my god Hope! You look so amazing in that dress. The guys are going to have to kick others away from you. You're just that gorgeous in that dress."

I blush and twist my hands together behind me. I was thankful for the good shoes I had. They were my mom's before she decided she didn't like them after she came home with them. They became mine. She was about to throw them away. I begged her to let me have them and she reluctantly agreed as she couldn't take them back being from the sale table.

We started walking down the stairs and she glances at me. "So... What's going on between you and Marek?"

I looked at her confused when we get to the bottom of the stairs. "What do you mean?"

Her eye brows shot up. "I mean the hand holding. Him always by your side. Always ready to comfort you even if your okay. He doesn't act like that to anyone."

I looked forward. "It could be because he's my escort. He wants to make my transition to the school a good one knowing my family doesn't care. I wasn't even told till he showed up on my front porch."

"But he doesn't act fully like an escort. More like a boyfriend."

I frowned. "He is only trying to look out for me. You don't know my family. They were awful in front of them. And all their comments and snares were directed at me." I left the part out of how he held me in my own bedroom.

"I'm sorry to hear that your family is like that."

I smiled at her and held her hand. "It's not your fault. But... Now I am here and away from them. All thanks to Marek showing up on my doorstep."

She smiled at me as we made our way over to the guys. There were so many more students sitting and talking. I was drawing some stares. There was even rushed hushed whispers flying around the room too.

When we made it to the table, all the guys rose from our group. We smiled at them as Nathan got Danielle's seat and Marek got mine for me. "You look perfect." Marek whispered in my ear delicately.

"Thank you." I whispered back seeing that he had changed to a button down shirt with a pair of dark wash jeans. He looked so handsome. "You don't look to bad yourself."

We took our seats and not five minutes later, the headmistress was giving her blessing for dinner after she welcomed more students to the school. I loved these blessings. I was never a 'grace' type of person, but these seem to encompass all religions instead of just one.

The dinner was amazing again. I felt like we had done enough shopping since lunch that we needed food again. We need our energy back from what we had spent. The steak was cooked perfectly like they knew how I liked it. Medium and perfect.

Starr Academy: Year OneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt