Part 24

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I hated time at the moment. I couldn't sit still either. I sat for what seemed like seconds. After that I got up and started to pace. Back and forth. Forth and back. I paced. When I couldn't stand pacing any longer, I was back to sitting. My leg bouncing in time with my nerves which were frayed.

We waited and waited. No one talking. People walking paced would get us to look up and hold our breathe for hope we got news. When they walked passed, we were shattered again for the upteenth time.

Seconds turned to minutes for us. Minutes into hours. Hours into eternity. Yet no one could come and tell us anything.

Headmistress Alexi had been on her phone talking to Hope's family. None whom could come out here by the way. I was pissed at them. They couldn't even come to see if she lived. The headmistress even offered to pay for all their expenses. Nope. None could come. She told them she would keep them appraised of Hope's condition.

Headmistress Alexi frowned when she disconnected the call. "I've never had a family so uninvolved with a student before."

"That's how they are with her." I grumbled/growled as I looked to the door. I always hated how they treated her. But I couldn't say anything. I was just as bad before.

"But still, it's not right."

"We'll act as her family. She is never alone any more." Headmistress smiled at Nathan. She was proud of his words.

Headmistress's husband Theo was sitting next to Marek. He had come to help him as Marek needed someone older to come and sit with him. Someone who had a strong wife whom he looks out for too. Someone Marek could lean on for support. Theo had a hand on Marek's back so Marek had some physical contact.

Finally someone opened the door. A doctor by the look of the late twenties man that walked in. "Those for Hope Lund." The guy swallowed just a bit saying Hope's name.

We all stood up. Headmistress Alexi went over to him and extended her hand. "I'm Headmistress of Starr Academy and responsible for all students including Hope."

He nodded. "At the moment she is resting. She sustained a number of injuries, but thankfully nothing life threatening. We will have to keep her heavily sedated for tonight. Though her head injury is superficial, we are taking every precaution to aid in her healing."

"Can we go see her?" Everyone turn to the hoarse voice of Marek.

"I can only allow two maybe three people in her room at a time." The doctor said.

Headmistress nodded and motioned for her husband and Marek to come to her side. "Then we will be the first to see her."

The doctor nodded and turned to the door. The three followed him as the rest of us had to wait here in the family room. Nathan asked if anyone wanted anything. We timidly nodded. We still hadn't had anything to eat for lunch and it was now dinner time.

He left after we talked just for a little. I stayed with Zera as Danielle went with Nathan. She didn't want to be away from him. I just wanted to see Hope. I needed to see Hope for my own sanity.

Marek’s Point of View

I was shaking as Headmistress Alexi held an arm around me while we walked behind the doctor. Headmistress Alexi's husband had a hand on my shoulder. I needed as much support as I could get. If they weren't here, I know I would be falling apart.

We're on the third floor of the hospital. In the ICU/Recovery wing of the hospital. Each room was a private room. I saw glimpses of flowers in each of the rooms. The doctor even told us that in this wing there is one nurse to every five rooms. That meant that if they are needed, someone is there nearly instantly.

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