Part 31

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Chapter 31

It had been three days since New Year's and we're back at school.I felt sad leaving Marek's family, but I was also excited to get back. I start the second half of the school year. There were tears and Marek's mom didn't want to let us go. His dad had to hold her back so we could go.

Marek and I were in the great hall with those who have already arrived back. We were all talking and trading stories about Christmas and New Year's. There were some funny stories and some sweet stories. Like one junior's aunt got engaged on Christmas Eve. The way she described it was very romantic.

We were laughing about this one guy's story of how his father had burnt the turkey they were having for dinner but thought he could save it. Turns out that the turkey was burnt all the way through. Black all the way.

I turned to see Franklin walking into the great hall. I smiled and started to wave him over. But my enthusiasm faded. He looked pissed and his eyes were locked on me. I could feel that he was not mad at me but something else. Something that dealt with me as the center.

He barely stopped as he came up to me and pulled me up from my seat. His grip was tight as he held me. He was hugging me with a brutal strength.

I tapped his shoulder. "Can't. Breathe."

He pulled back and held my shoulders. "I'm so sorry for everything I ever did to you growing up. I was an ass. Say you forgive me."

I scrunched up my forehead. "Are you okay?"

He shook his head. "Not even close till you forgive me."

I softened to him. "You know I do."

He sighed and pulled me back to him. "Thank you." He mumbled into my hair. I rubbed his back giving Marek a worried look. I had no idea what happened to Franklin for him to act like this to me. Marek looked worried too.

Marek placed a hand on Franklin's shoulder. "What's this all about man?"

Franklin groaned as he let me go. His head hung down. "Derek and I aren't friends any more. Not after what he callously said." His fists balled up and I saw the veins straining in his forearms. "He had no right saying those things."

Franklin's Point Of View

Flashback... December 31st

Every year, Derek and I had a tradition. We'd sneak some of his mom's liquor out of their house during New Year's. We'd sip on the alcohol throughout the late night chugging the rest when the clock strikes midnight. We always have two bottles for that purpose.

He showed up with the liquor and I smiled at him. "Hey big D. How was Florida?"

He sneered. "We didn't go. My just told Hope that so she wouldn't come home."

I frowned at that. "That's a bit harsh."

He shrugged. "We didn't want her highness here and gush on and on about that prop school of hers."

I scrunched my forehead. "Hope isn't anything like that. She doesn't think herself like that nor is snobby. She's still sweet and caring."

He snorted. "That's right. You're going to the same school with her." He eyed me as he handed over one of the bottles. "You don't seem any different."

Now I snorted. "I am as I was born. The school hasn't changed me." I shrugged. "Well maybe a little." I looked out over the street. We were on my balcony at my house. My folks were gone out for New Year's.

"They conformed you into the good little boy yet?"

I glared at Derek. "Not even close. This school isn't like that. They view the world differently that other schools."

"I bet Hope is a stuck up bitch now."

I clenched my jaw and was hating Derek at this moment. I already told him she wasn't like that. "Don't talk about Hope like that."

He scoffed. "Man, what is your deal?" Then he laughed. "Oh no. You didn't. You've slept with the slut."

That was it. I stood up and threw the bottle down. I pulled him up and held him by the collar. "Let's get one thing straight. Hope is nothing but an angel. I can't see how she lived with you all."

He jerked away from me and glared. "She must have been something for you to be defending her like this."

"She is something. Better at everything. I wish I was a tenth the student she is. A ten as talented as she is. And a tenth as virtuous."

"Virtuous. Right..."

I pushed him to the door. "Get out! We're no longer friends. I can't believe I've been your friend. Your a cold heartless bastard. Now go!" I shouted at him.

He turned and left. He glared at me from the street after he slammed my front door. I couldn't careless. Hope deserved better and I would do better by her. She's the better friend. Not Derek.

As the the clock stuck midnight, I made a resolution for the first time. To be Hope's friend. To do right by her. To maybe show her how I really felt. First up, asking for her forgiveness. I know I've started a friendship with her, but now I would have to think about Derek at all.


I sighed again as I let the anger release. "We had a falling out on New Year's Eve."

Hope frowned at me. "Are you okay?"

I half smiled at her concern. "I will be."

She matched my smile. "You know I'll be your friend."

Marek clapped my back. "And you have me too."

I felt better with them telling me this. I nodded at them. They had no idea how much I needed to know they were still my friends. This helped me feel more apart of things here.

"Thanks you guys."

Hope smiled that cute smile of hers. "No need. You will always be our friend. You have a good heart deep down. I'm glad to be able to see it now-a-days."

I chuckled. "Yeah well... Sorry it's taken so long."

She shocked me as she leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Better now than never."

I was still staring at her in shock when Marek laughed. "I think you shocked the life out of him Hopeful. I doubt it's everyday someone kisses his cheek." I smiled unknowingly at her giggle.

I watched as she slipped into Marek's arms. "Then I shouldn't tell him about our date."

I snapped out of that. "Little Hopeless has been on a date?" She giggled and I smiled at her. "Now I need to know details. Where would Mr. Serious here take you?"

She blushed bashfully as she looked up at Marek. "Do you want to tell him? I might giggle and blush too much."

He chuckled as he kissed her cheek. "Alright." Marek turned to me. "Let's sit and chat over snacks."

I smiled and nodded. We sat and I listened to their date story. I felt a little sad that they had such a good time. How could I compete with what he did? But I didn't let them know it. I let them have their happy moment reliving their tale.

Soon others of our group showed up and there were tales of their holiday going around. I just smiled as I listened. Every so often I found myself staring at Hope as she laughed. She looks so beautiful when she's happy. It made being here all that much better.

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