Part 20

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I sat in the great hall at our table alone. I had a hard time sleeping last night because of Zander. I was so worried about him. I didn’t know what he would do.

I sat at our table just staring at my juice when arms came around my shoulders from the back. I knew these arms and didn’t fear them. These were ones I trusted.

“Why the long face?” Marek asked as he hugged me from behind.

I sighed. “Couldn’t sleep so well last night.”

He moved to sit next to me and frowned when he must have seen the bags under my eyes. Even my hair was a bit messy. “You still upset your family didn’t come?”

I sighed and shook my head going back to staring at my juice. “Other things are on my mind.”

He rubbed my back. “You can talk to me if you want. I’m good at listening.”

I leaned sideways and rested my head on his shoulder. “I don’t know how to talk about this stuff. It’s never happened to me before.”

“Just talk. I’m right here.” He wrapped his arm around he to let me know he was my rock when I needed one.

“Last night in my room, Danielle stopped by and I met her mom and uncle. After they left...” I took a deep breathe and sighed. “Zander came to see me.” This was were I was most worried talking to Marek about this.

Marek had gone ridge and I knew his jaw was locked. “And what happened?” The air around Marek turned dark.

“He was nice at first...”

Marek lifted my chin to him. “What happened after he was nice?” His eyes darkening.

I swallowed and that seemed to calm him down a little. “He-he kissed me.” I looked down. “It happened so quickly. He just kissed me.”

Marek closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. He pulled me closer and hugged me to him. He was using me as his rock. “And you’re worried?” He asked low.

“I don’t know how to tell him that I wasn’t interested with him. I tried to tell him after he tried to kiss me a second time, but he was trying to make me change my mind.”

I felt him relax. “Would you like me to tell him?”

I shook my head. “No. I’ll handle it somehow.”

He sighed. “If he ever gets out of hand, just tell me.”

I nodded as I yawned. I did feel a lot better after telling Marek. I felt much relief and the worry had melted away. He was my rock.

He moved me so I was sitting on his lap. “You’re completely exhausted. Thankfully it is Saturday.”

I nuzzled his neck feeling very comfortable. My eyes having a hard time staying opened. Marek rubbed my back and upper arm as I felt myself falling asleep. “You didn’t sleep at all, did you?” I shook my head at his question. “Then rest. I’ll take you upstairs shortly.”

“What about breakfast?” I mumbled as I drifted even more asleep.

“Sleep, Hope. I’ll watch over you.”

I heard giggles and then Marek hushed whomever it was. “What’s up with Hope?” I heard Danielle whisper as she sat down.

“She didn’t get much sleep last night.” I heard Marek whisper back.

“Poor girl. I felt bad for her when I saw that her family didn’t show.” She whispered back.

I felt Marek nodded. “She was a bit heart broken they didn’t show.” He delicately moved away from the table. “I’m going to take her upstairs before more people start filtering in. She won’t be able to sleep with that many people in here talking.”

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