Part 30

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Chapter 30

"Hope! Hope!!" I woke to my name being shouted and my bed bouncing. I knew by the sounds that it was all three of Marek's cousins. Obviously they were ready to open presents.

My door opened and Marek came laughing in. "Oh you little heathens. You have to wake everyone up early, don't you?"

I giggled as his cousins continued to bounce on my bed. "Save me Marek, save me." I said sounding like a damsel in distress.

He puffed up playfully. "Fair not my lady, I shall save you." I giggled as he made this grand show of throwing my bedding over his cousins and scooping me up into his strong arms.

I laid my head on his shoulder smiling. "Oh my hero. My brave galant knight." I said as he carried me out of my room. He laughed.

He carried me down to the dining room where Helena was setting out breakfast. Marek stood up straight. "I doth saved my lady from the beasts of the realm." He announced triumphantly.

I giggled as he set me down on my feet. I looped my arms around his neck. "Thank you my galant prince. I'm eternally yours."

He smiled and gave me a quick kiss before everyone started to pile into the room. Helena was clapping as she loved our little display. We took our seat as she went back into the kitchen to get the rest of Christmas morning breakfast.

Soon everyone was down and sitting at the table. All but those three mischievous little gremlins. Marek's uncle leaned back in his chair as there was a shifting noise in the main family room where all the presents were. "Not yet kids. Eat first then presents like every year."

I giggled as I heard an awe from the family room. They really wanted to open there presents already. I watched as they came in and sat down. They tried to eat quickly but were reprimanded when they did.

They were the first up when everyone was done. They were dragging their parents and cousins out of their seats. They were bouncing and begging everyone to hurry up. That the presents were waiting for us.

Marek stood up and offered his hand to me. "Shall we?"

I smiled as I slipped my hand in his. "Let's." I said as I got up. We followed everyone into the formal family room. The adults were trying to get the kids away so they could hand everyone there presents. Finally the kids settled down and let the parents hand out the gifts.

Marek and I sat on the love seat opposite the tree. He had his arm around me as I watched the kids tearing into their first gifts. It was cute at their ecstatic thank you when they see what they got. They even kissed the cheek of the person or people who had given them that.

I felt a tap and found Feria tapping me with a gift. "This is from mom and dad. The first of several."

I took the small gift and bit my lip. Marek leaned over. "Go on, open it." I looked up and noticed most everyone was smiling and waiting for me to open my gift.

I slowly opened the gift. Three games fell into my lap. Playstation 3 games. They were all RPG games. Ones with beautiful and detailed worlds by the look of the pictures. I could steal away into Marek's dorm room to play them.

Marek opened a few books on newer and old fashion medical practices. He thanked his uncle and aunt for them. His grandmother had continued that theme with a book on anatomy.

I was shocked I got quite a number of gifts. With the games, I got a playstation all my own with a twenty-five inch TV for my dorm room. I had to get up and kiss Marek's mom and dad's cheeks in thank you. They were happy that I was happy.

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