Part 35

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Chapter 35 

For the next two months, things seem to be so much better. Actually better than better. Franklin has turned into more of my BFF. I giggle every time I think if that. A guy being my best friend. He's even seemed to be giving Zera more attention.  

Half way through last month was my birthday. March 13th to be exact. It so happened my birthday fell on a Friday. I was a bit embarrassed when I had breakfast. All the guys started to sing happy birthday to me. And not just them, soon the whole hall was singing. My face was completely red. 

People had hugged me all throughout the day. Even Headmistress Alexi gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek. Her husband handed me a small gift before he kissed my other cheek before I sat down with them and Marek. They had given me a beautiful pentagram with a silk chiffon ribbon.  

I found out later it was a goddess pentagram. The center of the pentagram had an amethyst and five circles basically linked together with the points of the star. It was very fitting and so me. I've been wearing it everyday. 

Marek had gotten me a beautiful set of earrings. I found out from Danielle that he had made the diamonds himself during a battle against a fire wielder. When he fire wielder had thrown fire at him. He put up a earth barrier and added pressure. That caused small little diamonds to form within the shield.  

The earrings dangled a little and formed two teardrop shapes. The diamond lined the teardrops. The diamonds were white and they were set into white gold.  

Even Marek’s parents sent me birthday a present. Nothing much. Just the complete collection of elemental books. just like the ones Professor Gilliett has been handing me all year. But it was all the different levels. They wanted me to have all I needed for school and to follow any path I wished to take.

Zander was a complete opposite. His present was so cute. A witches hat. An actual one that was my size. On the hat was a little pendant in the shape of angel wings. Guess that was the theme he was go with for me. The hat was a ruby red and it had feathers coming out of the pendant that were white.  

But the hat wasn't as it seemed. When I put it on, an illusion of wings glittered from my back. Zander told me that he charmed the pendant to give me wings. So if I wanted to have wings, I just need to wear the pendant that can come off of the hat. I thought it was cool that he did that for me. 

I felt so popular and accepted especially after my birthday. I've given everyone I knew something for their birthdays, but I never expected them to do that for mine. I sent a thank you note to everyone. I wanted to show them that I appreciate them all so much. 

Now there was just less than a few more months left in the year. The year has been going by faster than I thought it would. I can't believe how fast I've been learning everything. All my professors have been congratulating me on practically learning two years of work into my first year. I'm learning what Marek is at the moment. We've even been studying together to turn in the same papers. Well, not the same paper of course. 

This morning when I woke up, I got ready like always. But when I went to put my pentagram on, I couldn't find it. It wasn't where I normally put it. Right on top of my journal with my pen. It was gone.  

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