Part 10

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I slipped the robe on over my head being all alone in the room. I didn't know where to go. I guess through that other door in the room. The one between the two wardrobes.

After I had the robe fully on and in place, that door opened. Headmistress Alexi had a small smile on her face. She was wearing a pure black robe that was just like mine but hers must have

"Welcome Miss. Lund. Please follow me." She turned and motioned me forward into the dark room she had come from.

I was cautious as I entered. When the headmistress closed the door to the other room, eight soft spheres lit around the center of the room. I could see the definition of the black painted walls. The room was the same size of the one I have just been in.

There was a single white spot in the room. The center of the room. It was a small circle. Just the size of a person to stand in the middle of.

I looked to the headmistress and she nodded. I slowly and shakingly stepped forward and into the circle. I looked to the ground and noticed tiny shimmering lines on the ground. The lines made up two stars overlapping. One a six pointed star and the other a four pointed star. Together they make the school's eight pointed star. Each of those glowing lights corresponded to a point of the double star.

"In nature there are four basic elements. Do you know what they are?"

"Yes ma'am. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. They even make up the different direction on the compass."

"Very good." She moved to stand to my right. "This is east and represents Air." She moved around the four closest lights. The next was the Southern position which was Fire. Then West which meant Water. Finally she stopped on the Northern spot that was Earth.

"With the basic four elements comes the four advance elements. That which all living things interact with through out its existence."

She move to the light between Earth and Air. "This spot represents Death. The end of all things yet the start of a new existence as well."

She moved to the spot between Air and Fire. "This represents Light. Some believe it is representing the good in life, but Light along with Darkness is both good and bad. It is how we use it that define its merit."

She moved to the light between Fire and Water. "This is Life. It's the counterpart to Death. Both have their places and uses. Both like Light and Darkness are good and bod in equal measures."

She walked and stood at the last light. "This as you may have figured out is Darkness. It's the counterpart to Light."

She moved away to stand in a corner. "Now here is when we learn which you are connected with. Close your eyes." I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. "Imagine there was a field around your body. That field is made of strands that slowly start to flex outward.

"As the strands start to stretch out, you feel them drawn to a light out here. Let it. Let those strands roam free to those lights. Let them connect and mingle. Imagine that those strands strengthen with lights make them brighter and fuller."

I did all she said. I felt a tingling sensation as my force field of ribbons flexed and moved outward. I felt they went in several directions. I could feel them stretching and lengthening on their own without me giving them any resistance.

"Very good Hope. You may open your eyes and see which elements you are bonded with."

I slowly opened my eyes. Before me was Earth but it wasn't light any lighter. Nor was Death beside it, but Darkness was glowing. I turned slowly and found I had a total of six elements glowing. Air, Fire, Water, Light, Life and, Darkness. They were all glowing.

Starr Academy: Year OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ